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March 28, 2008

lately found a web ,it is for people to learn english words and the most special point is you can donate rice to the hungry people in poor area in Africa or so at the same time. i'm so excited to finally be a part of this philanthropic action,and i think all of you will also want to do something for them,so here is the website"freerice.com",let's do our best to save those poor people together~~may we all be happy doing this!Tongue out

February 18, 2008

recently.i watched a lot of american movies or to be precisely ,tv series,begining from prison break,lost, heros,traveler to 24 and friends.they are all attractive and means a lot to me .i saw the way the american lives and act, i learnt about happiness and love ,i kind of wondered how they  made the movies so real,every actors and actress seemed so absorbed.

the lately one i say is Friends,which i have known for quite a long time but not really in the mood to watch it.Anyway,somehow,here i am,deeply addicted in this tv series,laugh with them

The friendship between the them six impressed me and i believed will impress all of others who looks of pure and forever friends,share happiness ,enjoy together,never be afraid because there is always someone who will be there for you through sarrows.

They have nothing to hide from each other,they talk to each other,even it embarassed them or freak them out ,they just never lie.everything they did for each other came from good reasons,they all cared their relationships and aultivate their love.

many of us must now are jealous of them ,but we maybe need to check on ourselves,how to be generous,considerate and willing to give and share,ready to help and support.

12:43 PM Feb 19 2008

nate_straight guy

Sometimes, they lie but cannot keep it for a long time
because someone must finally say it, especially Joey... Hahaha.

Still it's no.1 on my all time favorite Series on TV.

February 9, 2008

again,here comes chinese spring festival,family get together,and the weather is deadly cold,everywhere in china is snowing heavily ,but the atmosphere is hot and everybody is happy ,no need for schools or works,what we need to do is nothing but eat and relax,having fun,it is so good to have a wonderful holiday in this beautiful winter

09:19 AM Feb 09 2008



HI.i like only two things in chinese spring festival.First is the fire work and second are dumplings.i have seen alot of fire work in the xingahi guang chang.I will never forget these  beautiful nights of dalian

08:40 AM Feb 09 2008


hi you dont worry because when we lives summer you lives sprıng this is always  change l hope in one summer holiday we will coeme together  and talkıng from mornıng to nıght