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My Gocool Blog



November 25, 2008

Today do not know how the mood ups and downs, can not be down for a long time. A lot of thought, but also had a lot of talk, is that Guan Buzhu lethargy for me, I said several times, but I would like to chat Guanbu Zhu thoughts. Do not know how the mood to ask what such a conflict? Today, the how? Is it sad? Is happy? Do not cry do not have been laughing. That is exactly how this kind of mood? It seems no rationale for a loss as to how ah!

November 25, 2008

It's more difficult for blind children to learn to talk than it is for children with sight.Children learn to speak not only by hearing sound,but also by seeing how the lips and tongues move when the sounds are made .If a child with sight a pencil or penny,it;s easy to find,but a blind must feel around and then often can;t find whatever was dropped.And it's more difficult for a blind child to learn to eat with a knife and fork.In fact,just about all the ordinary things people have to do are more difficult for the blind.But the worst thing for many blind people is that they frequently must ask for help.And it's not pleasant to always rely on others.

November 20, 2008

I’m actually a tomboy. I love shooting guns and running around more than dressing up and putting on lingerie.”