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umair khan .




December 2, 2007

In most schools, the teacher does not speak much English. They
mostly speak your language. In Chinese schools, for example, the
teachers speak mostly Chinese!

They explain English grammar-- using Chinese. They answer
questions-- using Chinese. They translate English words-- into

And what do they mostly teach? Grammar. Students learn English
grammar by listening to teachers speak Chinese. Do you see the

The result-- Chinese students cannot think in English, cannot
speak English, and cannot understand native English speakers. Their
speaking is usually slow and painful.

This method is crazy-- it is guaranteed to fail. The schools, not
the students, are failing.

The same is true in most countries. Its even true of English
schools in the U.S., UK, and Canada.

**Humberto Learns The Most Important Rule

Humberto is from Venezuela. He moved to Canada a few years ago. He
studied English in Venezuela for many years-- mostly grammar.
He thought his English was good.

But when he came to Canada he was surprised and shocked-- he
couldn't understand anyone! Humberto was very upset.

He joined an English school in Canada. He went to school
everyday. What did they teach him? More grammar!

After 12 months of school, Humberto was angry and frustrated. The
school cost over $10,000 for one year-- but he still could not speak
English. He didn't know what to do.

He quit the school. He joined an internet system that knew the 7
rules to speaking English easily. He listened to the lessons
every day.

Six months later, Humberto could speak English easily.

Now he feels powerful and relaxed when he speaks English.

**RULE 3: The Most Important Rule-- Listen First

What is the rule that Humberto found with the Club? Simple.
The rule is listening.

Listening, listening, listening.

You must listen to UNDERSTANDABLE English. You must listen to

Its simple. That is the key to your English success.
Stop studying grammar. Start listening everyday.

Listen everyday-- and your speaking will improve quickly.
Listen everyday-- and you will feel relaxed and powerful.
Listen everyday-- and you will speak English easily.

**Learn With Your Ears, Not Your Eyes

December 1, 2007

**RULE 3: The Most Important Rule-- Listen First

What is the rule that Humberto found with the Club? Simple.
The rule is listening.

Listening, listening, listening.

You must listen to UNDERSTANDABLE English. You must listen to

Its simple. That is the key to your English success.
Stop studying grammar. Start listening everyday.

Listen everyday-- and your speaking will improve quickly.
Listen everyday-- and you will feel relaxed and powerful.
Listen everyday-- and you will speak English easily. 

November 30, 2007

In fact, this is the number one secret English schools don't want
you to know.

**English Can Be Simple and Easy

One day, Angelina, a student from Paraguay, came to my class. She
could not speak English. In her country, she studied many years--
mostly grammar. Many years of classes. Many years of textbooks.

But she could not speak.

The first day in my class, she was shy. She came with a textbook,
-- ready to study grammar.

I surprised her-- because I never used the textbook.
I never used the textbook, and I never taught grammar.
I never used the textbook, and I never taught grammar.

Instead, I told her a story. I told the story many times. As
I told the story, I asked many questions. She answered them.
She was confused,... Why was this crazy teacher telling stories and
asking so many questions!?

Then I asked HER to tell the story-- she was shocked and
amazed-- she could do it!

After only two weeks in my class, her friends were amazed.
They asked her, "How are you improving so quickly?"

**Why Grammar Study Is Bad

In school, teachers told you to study grammar. They told you that
grammar was the key to learning English. They were totally wrong.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

In fact, studying grammar is the worst thing to do. Grammar
study will destroy your English speaking.

Why? Because grammar study makes you think too much. You
don't want to think about speaking English, you want to speak
quickly-- without thinking.

There is a lot of research about this topic-- and it all agrees-
grammar study is terrible. Grammar study destroys your ability
to think in English. You will never speak English easily if you
continue to study grammar.

**RULE 2: Don't Study Grammar

Angelina quickly improved speaking-- when she stopped studying
grammar. This is your second rule.

Stop studying grammar.
Stop studying grammar.

Right now. Stop. Put away your grammar books and textbooks.
You don't need them.

04:29 AM Dec 02 2007


to be frank, i hate grammar, it's useless to learn that, most students know grammar very well but their oral english is very poor,  i think your comment on english learning is very clear and useful.