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My cats

My cats


January 5, 2010

When I was a lil child - Pic taken in Sao Paulo My dog, Caco.

My dog, Caco.

January 5, 2010

January 6, 2010

January 6, 2010

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| 07:43 AM Jan 06 2010



Yes, I’m serious…
If I could, I’d build a place to care about every animal that I find lost…
But I can’t… I’m sorry I can’t bring home every cats n dogs I see lost…
I think, if each family bring to their home, one lost cat or dog, we wouldn’t see so many hungry n lost animals around… :(

| 02:13 AM Jan 06 2010



After its accident, it seems like a sad cat… :(
But, we do the best we can do for it…^^
Ohh… I have an one-eyed cat too… My mom found it on the street, n we don’t know how it lost one eye… :)
I will try take a pic of it to show you… I like that cat so much too… :p

| 08:28 AM Jan 05 2010



This yellow one, is the special one…
It has a sad gaze… I like this cat so much…

| 08:15 AM Jan 05 2010



I think they’re like that because of the variaty of species, they eat a lot, a lot and lots of ration.
The yellow one, was treaded on by a car… so it has a deslocated bone in the leg, n it grew up with rib problems becoz its accident. He breathe with dificulty… it seems like the ribs compress its lungs… U can see that it has a space in the ribs diferent from the other cats, becoz of this space, it seems like it is skinny… ^^ I will try take a pic of visible dislocated bone it has, then u will see it.

| 07:31 AM Jan 05 2010



Hey Ulya, this one is for u!!!

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