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| 07:31 AM Apr 22 2011



Although we all know that this is an utopia, we prayed for the worldwide freedom of religion today in church.
By the way I have another remark saying that Christians shouldn’t discriminate against other people as it has been the case throughout history and perhaps still is current: Today our minister said that we should pray for those “who don’t recognize God. May he make them follow their conscience and reach their salvation this way.”
I don’t know if the quotation I gave you in here is perfect, but at least I didn’t change anything about the meaning of his message: That is to say that according to me he was trying to tell us that you don’t have to spend all your life strictly following only one religion, but that your character matters more than that.

| 09:22 AM Mar 04 2011



Information I read in a scientific magazine: Anthropologists have put up the theory that religion is only part of human nature. They say that even so-called atheists may have some spiritual urge. It may not be as strong as the one of someone who claims to be religious, but still…

| 09:41 AM Mar 03 2011



I have something to add: Yesterday in church the minister said that we should consider every human being as our brother and sister, i.e. we should help as much as we can, no matter whom.

| 11:55 PM Feb 26 2011



“Hi Dorothee,
I would like to ask you to help with something.. maybe it was already done and I missed it.. But.. if NOT…YOU ARE GOOD AT THIS: could you ask as many people as possible here, on E!b to Pray for victims in Libya and other places where people are still hurting? No mater what religion, no matter what nationality.. We are here on E!b a special group! WE all should unite in this!! Even if there are people who do not follow or understand what is going on there…maybe some here should be reminded that there is a big possibility that NOT ALL chatters or blogers will return to E!b…Could you take care of that in that special way?
Take care !! :-)
A friend of mine-I erased his name-asked me to post this somewhere.
This man is right: Feeling empathy and the will to help don’t depend on one’s race, religion or (at least in most cases) political opinion. I also believe that we can pray for atheists and God may help them.

| 10:39 AM Feb 25 2011



Thank you! Yes, I really enjoyed it!
Have a nice day!

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