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| 02:35 PM Aug 18 2015



The US-American animal aid organization “HSUS” (“www.humanesociety.org”) says on their Youtube-channel that for years now especially large cities, but also smaller inhabited areas in Bhutan have faced problems with whole prides of straying dogs. On their search for food or places to give birth they make a mess on the street, they sometimes run across streets nearly causing accidents, in some cases spread disease and due to not fearing men – unlike other canines like wolves or African wild dogs – they sometimes even attack human beings. These pests spread so fast that all attempts made by local citizens to decline the population have failed. Of course also due to the fact that Bhutan is a poor LDC and thus most citizens don’t have much money to buy items against feral canines!
That’s what “HSUS” now did! For years now they’ve been capturing feral dogs in different areas of Bhutan, have been neutering them, vaccinating them against all kinds of diseases – especially those transmittable to human beings – and then they released them.

| 02:23 PM Jun 03 2014



When I was in Tübingen at the train station yesterday, I saw a middle-aged gentleman who was spreading some prospects. As I was curious I just walked towards him and took the prospect he offered me. It was about the aid-organisation “Malaria No More” which I’ve never heard of before. As the name implies this organisation tries to fight malaria in developing countries. They do so by providing people with ways to avoid malaria – like supplying them with mosquito nets – or support health education in said areas. They say that in the areas where they work – for example districts in Bhutan that are plagued by malaria – they already were able to reduce the case of new cases of malaria-sick people per year by almost 50%.
If you want to and are able to support them, please visit “https://secure.malarianomore.org/page/contribute/default”. By the way “https” is the international code for “save website”.
Re-upload: As far as I’m informed, this photo shows street children in the streets of Bhutan, one of the poorest countries in the world. “http://www.actionaid.org.uk/100002/about_us.html” belongs to an organisation that helps people from not only this country, but from other very poor countries, too. On this website they even inform you of how to get involved.

| 04:04 AM Feb 01 2014



The newspaper “Focus” which is available in German only just declared Bhutan and Myanmar two of the savest countries to spend your vacation on the Asiatic continent. This is remarkable, because these two are so called LDC’s, LDC meaning “Least Developed Country”.

| 11:21 PM Jan 29 2014



The newspaper “Berliner Zeitung” says that the building in Berlin-Hellersdorf that now houses refugees from extremely poor countries like Bhutan was attacked by nationalsocialists again. Fortunately nobody was hurt and the damage done isn’t that high either.

| 01:17 AM Feb 28 2012



Another reupload: Please! Please! Please! You would do me the greatest favor by at least just reading this. If you don’t have the time to read anything, then at least read the last clause, please. Thank you!
I know the following doesn’t even affect this country. However I want as many people as possible to be informed about this subject and the fact that here homosexuals get arrested for being what they are even is a pretense to post the following here as well: In 2011 there was a discussion in Uganda about whether or not death penalty shall get reintrodiced and if people also should be sentenced to death for being gay. International protests ( also and especially from Obama, the president of the USA ) made them abandon this discussion for the moment. However now they decided to recontinue and if we don’t intervene they are going to kill people simply for behaving according to their nature. Yes, for natural behaviour, because homosexuality can be found everywhere! There are reports and footage proving that homosexuality can be found in the animal kingdom, too. They even filmed intelligent animals, like whales, dolphins or primates which showed homosexual behavior. So you can’t say that this is condemnable, because of being against nature. They say that this is condemnable, because the Old Testament condemns it. When an US-American Christian theologian held a speech about why homosexualty was condemnable according to the OT she received a letter saying something like “What do you think. How much money should I ask for when I sell my daughter into slavery? Because that’s exactly what one sentence written in the Old Testament allows me to do. How should I kill my uncle for growing two things in one and the same field?” You can’t just fix a whole theological theory on one single quotation. 1 Thess 5,21 even says that we should firstlky test it an only keep it if it’s still good. I don’t want to go any further. If you really want to know why I – a strictly religious lady – am against discriminating homosexuals and even think that my religion tells me to do so, then you should read “http://www.englishbaby.com/findfriends/view_photo/596319?page=4”. It’s the comment of 03:13 AM Mar 08 2011.
However David Bahari, a member of Uganda’s parlament as well as of its ruling party also had a comment in favour of this upcoming law, saying that homosexualty could destroy family structures and tolerating homosexuals could have a bad influence on children. I agree on the first comment. Even most younger people still have problems trying to accept “gays” as some still circulating jokes about homosexuals prove. Also organisations like “La Refugee” that adopt adolescents who got abandoned by their parents simply for being gay prove that homosexuals have serious trouble trying to fit in even into their own family. However this could also be considered as a social problem rather than a problem caused by homosexuals. After all the history of Judaism also is full of discrimination, persecutiion and not just one genocide and today nobody would say that the Jews were to blame for what happened to them. Only real nerds would still walk around saying something stupid like “Well, if these Jews hadn’t been Jews none would have killed them. So the problem obviously was that they were Jewish!”
His second comment however sounded like – excuse the word – rubbish to me. I’m sorry, but what sort of influence does he imagine here? That a kid who gets asked why he / she is gay could defend this attitude of his / her by saying “But Peter from 9th grade is homosexual, too. So I make love to someone of my sex, because I want to be like him.”?
What about another example? Nearly all children have an idol and usually this is a movie or a pop star. Does Bahari really think that if one of these stars was gay, a child of under ten years would say “Gee! When I’m grown up, I want to be gay, too.”? I suppose – or at least I hope – not! This would be just ridiculous.
If you want to do something against this madness then please sign the following petitions or inform others about them:
We beat Uganda’s anti-gay bill once! I’m sure we can beat it twice and – if necessary – three times. Thank you for your support!

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