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| 08:38 AM Mar 27 2015


United States

Good question. I think you are saying 4 million members, that’s probably right at the time. But it wasn’t about economic issues, it was about race…
Here’s the history of the KKK as I remember it from school:
The American Civil War was fought primarily over the issue of Slavery. American slavery was not like Islamic slavery, it was perhaps the most brutal thing for one race to do to another race in human history. It involved teaching children to dehumanize black people, to regard them as somewhere between animal and human.
Generations were taught this hate. Eventually they believed it. It was profitable and money can drown conscience in those who have messed up priorities.
There were faithful Christians who opposed and fought the idea of slavery. Most of the religious settlers settled in the North, above the state of Virginia. Those in the South started out religious, then became hypocrites about humanity.
Eventually the two sides had to fight and more than a million died, which was a lot back then.
Anyhow, after the War ended and the slaves were free, the US government put ex-slaves in charge of everything to punish and humiliate the South, who lost.
This caused great fear and anxiety among Southerners who (with good cause) feared black people would treat them the way they had treated black people.
A group of men who had been Southern soldiers had already formed a social club for veterans called the Ku Klux Klan. It was a get-away from the wife kind of club, but after the Govt put ex-slaves in charge backed by many soldiers, the Klan then became a racist organization determined to “keep blacks in their place” by murder and terror.
In 1916, a famous movie call “Birth of a Nation” came out and lots of people saw it.
It showed white women being captured by blacks and Northerners and the Klan riding to the rescue. The movie was a big hit, and made membership in the Klan appear to be cool and heroic. “If you care about your children, join the Klan” was a slogan of the time.
By the 1920s, millions of people had joined, included at least one who later became president. This is the time of which you ask.
However, the Klan wasn’t the “heroic” group they showed in the movies and by the 1930s, nearly all had quit and membership became “the family shame” that polite people don’t talk about. The Klan was involved in crime, was corrupt, and was brutal. Most of those millions who joined were indeed racists and wrong but they weren’t “evil” people, they were stupid people. When they saw that the Klan wasn’t “heroic” but was disgusting, they quit.
When they were involved though, it became kind of a “God loves white people best” kind of group and so it has a real religious tone, but it’s evil to it’s core.
It’s not a Christian group, but only those who claim to be Christian enough can join.
They still exist, they are like terrorists everywhere, they kill by ambush or bombing, men women and children, anyone they don’t like.
Current membership is estimated at a few thousand members. Most Americans despise them. When 20 of them appear in a public protest, thousands will show in counter protest. They are a shame in this nation.

| 08:08 AM Mar 27 2015


United States

I’d like to add that I used the word “followers” instead of “believers” for several reasons but the main reason was is that the word “followers” means all who claim to follow something. Heresy is the job of the Faithful, the true believers, to stop. There is no difference between real and false followers to the victims who suffer.
That was my Crusader example in my post.

| 08:04 AM Mar 27 2015


United States

Relationships are the ways in which they connect to each other.
There are no religions with zero followers. Followers does include both real and false people who “follow” the way of something.
Religions with zero followers are history. Past tense only. They no longer exist as “religions”.
I would ask you to read what I posted again, because I think we have had communications difficulties, or contact me privately and we’ll make sure we understand each other.
I don’t doubt your love of God, I doubt the Godliness of permanent war and killing in the name of God over the results of earlier sin.

| 08:35 PM Mar 26 2015


United States

If you will excuse me for saying so, I believe it is you who do not see the relationship between a religion and it’s followers. God doesn’t worship Himself. With zero followers, there is no “religion”. The religion IS the followers, its the way they worship God according to the Koran.
That doesn’t mean all Muslims are alike or that all types of Muslims are Islamic. In Christianity there are many sub-groups, mostly separated by doctrines that only scholars really understand. There are what we call “essential doctrines”, which are those beliefs that actually make us “Christians”. Those who agree with those essential doctrines are considered “main stream” Christian, but there other groups, (some with the word “Christian” in the name), that just are not Christian, according to doctrines of most Christians. Surely it is the same in Islam. When the Crusaders slaughtered every Jew and Muslim they encountered, did it matter to Muslims that the Crusader actions weren’t actually “Christian”?
You mention the KKK (Ku Klux Klan). They are not a Christian group, although I can see why you’d say they were. Actually, they hate all non-Aryans (including southern Europeans), Catholics, Protestants who aren’t one of a couple of denominations, all other kinds of Christians including Orthodox, and all other faiths. They kill Christians as quickly as anyone else and are infamous for burning holy places of all faiths.
Which we rebuild. They are very much like iSIS but not nearly as many members.
There are actual Christian terrorist groups, they are not actually Christians but that doesn’t change the responsibility to undo damage done in our name if we can. Jesus taught us to love, and that’s what people who love you do when all you have is burned.
We don’t rebuild Mosques to encourage Islamic worship, we rebuild them because it was wrong that they were destroyed, and worse, destroyed in our name. They are buildings, not worship. A place to worship, not the worship itself.
I would be very interested in seeing which scriptures support what you claim, that the Koran has more mercy and tolerance and less mention of war. Use Christian scriptures, the New Testament, not the Jewish scriptures which constitute the Old Testament.
You are probably right about Jewish scriptures, but I think you are very wrong about Christian scriptures. Please quote some if you would.
We are also taught that only the Holy Spirit of God can lead a person to Faith, but we can live in such a way that those who do not believe can see how much God loves us by how we treat them. So we rebuild, even for those we don’t agree with or don’t like. You can’t change much, but you can speak up, and convince the Muslims you do know that doing right is a big part of being righteous. Maybe over time it will make a difference.
I say again, if God promised you Palestine if you repent, why are they using violence?? Why don’t they repent? I can only blame the hate.

| 09:37 AM Mar 26 2015


United States

“all international laws and religions stand with that” isn’t true. I think you know that already. Its a grand statement, but very far from true.
Even if it was true, does it justify the killing? I mean, it isn’t Algeria that is at war, it’s Islam, a religion you claim is of God.
It is a false religion if it taught you to kill over land you risked and lost in a war you started. Maybe Islam isn’t false, but the current “kill them all” kind of Islam you support does not seem very Godly to me. I just don’t see it.
“not help people to worship others. Other helps is required excluding helping people to worship things beside Allah.” implies Christians worship some God besides Allah. If they worship the God of Adam, it must be you who worship some other god.
Further, restoring buildings that were burned in your name isn’t helping them worship, its replacing the property that was stolen by fire, by Muslims, in the name of Islam. You help them victimize by your inaction.
It shows how “benevolent” Islamic rule will be for any who aren’t Muslim. The differences are in degrees of hate, not in the hate itself. Don’t be surprised when your people are no longer welcomed in other nations.
Yours are just excuses used to justify the abuses of non-Muslims by Muslims you claim aren’t acting like Muslims.

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