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| 12:46 PM Dec 09 2017


United States

This actually was approved in 1994 by Clinton, but the US didn’t move it’s embassy in the hope that Palestine would be serious in peace talks.
Palestine had 50 years to make peace after Israel occupied Jerusalem and get their city back but Palestine was no closer to peace than ever before.
Trump only recognized that fact.
End your stupid war and handle this like modern people would.
Zero Palestine also solves the problem.

| 05:02 PM Dec 07 2017


United States

Ok, they are being burned out of their homes, raped, killed, and starved. Far? they are in the Umma!!
Most of the Muslims on earth live in Southeast Asia, it is YOU who are far away, most of your 1.4 billion Muslims live nearby.
You are supporting them?
Yeah, so is the USA.
All talk, no action.
Voice? Is that how “1.4 billion Muslims” plan to destroy Israel? By yelling at them?
Rohingya are dying now and you’re focused on Jerusalem now. Palestinian Muslims could live better than I do if they’d end their war with Israel. The Rohingya have no such choice.
If they demand the right to kill us over their religion we are not obliged to tolerate them.
The Umma doesn’t exist.
Palestine won’t either if you can’t understand that no one else cares that your prophet invented a religion that gave other peoples’ land to his followers?
It’s YOUR religion that demands they die before compromise, it was your religion that demands the world accept your religious claim to a city lost in war, so only your religion is to blame for their deaths.
The only “voice” I hear is the cries of the Rohingya and the only action I see is Myanmar driving them out or killing them.
That could be Palestine.
You couldn’t stop them or you’d do it already.

| 01:51 PM Dec 07 2017


United States

Permanent war is all you offer, Israel is not to blame for your demands that war continue until you win.
That’s not part of other cultures though, when they get tired of fighting someone they kill them or drive them away.
Your “1.4 billion Muslims” do nothing for the Rohingya.
The “1.4 billion Muslims” haven’t “liberated” one square inch of Palestine, the “war” that you demand Palestine should suffer longer.
“Every inch” isn’t coming back. Ever. Get over it. It wasn’t “all” yours in the first place, and the Jewish homelands have been restored to the Jewish people.
Palestinian homelands are being lost in your war to re-occupy the Jewish homelands.
All your war has done is make Palestine smaller than it ever would have been otherwise, on your way to no land at all.
“The Umma” won’t do anything because it doesn’t actually exist. Individual Muslim radicals will use terrorism, because that’s how “the Umma” chooses to fight it’s never-ending religious wars around the world.
People who have other religions might not agree with Muslims that “permanent war until every inch of Palestine restored” is justified by a religion which non-Muslims think is false. You have no claim to “every inch of Palestine” based on your religion. There is no other claim.
We do not have to recognize anything your religion says or does. It’s YOUR religion.
Trump is reacting to your permanent war. If you don’t get the message, no one can help you. Palestine itself will never allow peace and people are out of patience with your hates.
Permanent war will end Palestine.
No one “has” to live with permanent war from a part of the population.
At least, that’s the excuse the Myanmar government is using to push the Muslims who were killing them out of that nation.
1.4 billion Muslims doing nothing about the Rohingya.
Not impressed by the empty threat.

| 11:02 AM Dec 07 2017



as you said they lost everything , they rejected all what suggested to them in the last 100 years , and respond with violence.
Jerusalem is the city of the JEWS and this is the start of the end of Islamic occupation of the city during the last 1500 years.

| 02:45 PM Dec 06 2017


United States

I think this was done because Palestine does not act in good faith when it pretends it will somehow one day make peace with Israel. Palestine must realize it doesn’t have “a right” to exist at all as a nation if it persists in being a cancer on the earth. Every inch of Palestine can be taken from the Palestinians if they won’t seek peace.
Permanent war has a price, but the anti-Zionists won’t allow anything except permanent war.
I don’t think recognition of Jerusalem will survive this administration but it is a strong message to the jihadists.
Anti-Zionists have been losing the war since 1948 and it’s time to end their fighting.
Israel’s way is negotiation and compromise, Palestine’s way is death before acceptance.
If Palestine refuses forever to make peace with Israel, they don’t actually deserve to exist except as a landless race of troublemakers. Death (or refugee status) before acceptance is Palestine’s demand, not Israel’s.
Trump is making a point, but the Anti-Zionists won’t hear because they don’t actually believe that could ever happen.
Even though it’s been happening for 70 years so far. Eventually, there won’t be anything left to take.

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