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Learn English meaning of zip-lining

Date: Aug 13 2019

Themes: Hobbies, Sports

Grammar: Be Able To


1. Learn Vocabulary - Learn some new vocabulary before you start the lesson.

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2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

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Are you a thrill seeker? You don’t have to jump from an airplane to get a rush of endorphins. Zip-lining is a popular activity around the world. Unless you are afraid of heights, you will probably find it an exhilarating experience.

It might look crazy, but zip-lining is very safe. In fact, people have used zip-lines for hundreds of years. In some places they were used to get across rivers, or to send supplies to a place that was far away. Today they are used mostly for fun, especially by tourists. If you travel somewhere new, a zip-line ride will be something you’ll never forget!

Jessica and Lily have very different opinions about zip-lining. Who do you agree with? Learn more in today’s English lesson about adventure.


1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.





Jessica:  My friend just went zip-lining for the first time ever, and said that it was so exhilarating. He could feel the endorphins, and it was such a rush! I have to admit I was very jealous that I wasn’t able to go with him.

Lily:  See, I am of the opinion that you should just stick with your feet on the ground. Zipping through the air, above the trees, sounds absolutely terrifying. It sounds like the perfect way to meet your demise and run into a tree or something.

Jessica:  Oh my goodness.

Lily:  Oh, gosh. No!

Jessica:  I’m sure it would make my stomach turn, but… I feel like I would also feel that excitement in the pit of my stomach.

Lily:  Yeah. See, I’d feel something different in the pit of my stomach. I don’t like heights. If you’re going fast, that’s kind of scary to begin with. But going fast, really high up? That sounds not cool at all.

Jessica:  Well, maybe we’ll just go for a walk instead.

Lily:  Let’s!


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Jessica’s friend went zip-lining, and she wishes she had joined him. Although she knows that the experience would have been scary, she also thinks it would have been exciting to fly through the air. Jessica seems to believe that an activity can make her nervous and be fun at the same time.

But Lily doesn’t agree. She is afraid of heights, so zip-lining gives her a bad feeling. In fact, Lily jokes that she might die that way by crashing into a tree. Her life is far more important to her than a rush of endorphins.

Have you ever tried zip-lining? If yes, how was it? If not, why not?



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I understand the feelings of those who are afraid of heights … This is not their territory. I love height and speed. And I like the quick descent on the tightrope. In my city there is such a descent across the river. This is really exciting! But I get more adrenaline from jumping ropejumping. The heart begins to beat faster, captures the spirit, you take a step towards the abyss, a few seconds of free fall (sometimes it seems to you that this is not an instant but an eternity) .... and the adrenaline rush!

09:59 AM Aug 17 2019 |




I love to do that! I highly recommend to do it, it’s absolutely exciting! 

04:10 AM Oct 07 2015 |

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well I’ve never tried zip-lining before coz we don’t have such opportunity in my country, but I badly want to try one day coz it’s seems  exhilarating. it would give me shakes in the  pit of my stomach!!! but I’d die for that rush of endorphins!!  

08:11 PM Aug 08 2015 |

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I don’t have chance to try zip-lining and I am 100 percent will go for it If I find a long and high one.I still remember my first time experience of private ship.My friends want me to choose seats in the middle but I sit in the last row.When the ship went highly ,I can’t help crying and shouting at the staff to let me down.I was ignored at that time only close my eyes until it stoped.I felt great back to ground and it is a good way to let your negative emotions out.

04:32 AM Aug 07 2015 |




@Hanna, don`t have to apologize, you are most welcome whenever you like writing .We are all, thanks to English Baby, improving our writing skills,  and so you if you practice a little every day.

08:53 PM Aug 05 2015 |




I’m not afraid of heights nor afraid to meet my demise,If I ever get a chance to try zip lining I guess i’d be as good as monkey :p 

07:53 PM Aug 05 2015 |

La Princesse de la vie


I’m not much of a thrill seeker. I like all the extreme activities, but only in theory xD, I’d never love to try one of them, because most of the thrilling activities are indeed in air and I’m heights-phobic so I’m not the one for it. I’m not really eager to have a rush every once in a while, I’d rather seek peace of mind attained by walking in fresh air or enjoying nature around.

Still if I want to get a rush, a game in the theme park would do the trick :D

07:24 PM Aug 05 2015 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I don’t like heights. In fact I am afraid of heights. I can’t even think about Zip-lining.
But I don’t know maybe in special situation I will do that, If not I’ll meet my demise of fear!

06:53 PM Aug 05 2015 |




lots of nice expressions in this lesson. I’m a park goer. Recently we went to montains that are 4 millions years. People there are mountain climbing. We were just walking and making some shots of big birds. One was so kind to pose for us. The eagle perched on the highest tree, spread its wings as though embracing us with his welcoming mood. We were thrilled. Zip-lining would be good. First let me grow some muscles on my hands to be the best candiadate for this activity :)



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I am petrified by heights ,,,,,,,, Funny thing is I am never scared when looking out an airplane window, but if I were on a balcony in a high rise building I hate looking down and dont even like standing near the rail.



Hello. My name is Hanna Panczel. 16 year old. i am sorry no well knowledge speak english :( 

12:09 PM Aug 05 2015 |



Russian Federation

I want to try zip-lining this month. We have many it in the parks, there are many different tracks for different levels. You should climb through some obstacles on your way and pass through it. And all this happens on different heights.
I’m shure it will be a rush of adrenaline and exhilarating expirience



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I’ve never tried zip-lining so far, It sounds a hairy thing to do for a rush of endorphins. But I recall once I went zip-lining in a playing ground not in heights, but you know, it doesn’t count as a zip-lining and the experience wasn’t a thing to be proud of and It wasn’t a rush at all. But for kids out there it was different, it seemed that a lot of things were going on in the pit of their stomach and there was no need to go zip-lining in heights to be on cloud nine, they already were there.

When It comes down to zip-lining and heights, I am more like Lily rather than Jessica. And Finally what a good compromise to go for a walk, Although amount of rush of endorphins you would get by walking isn’t considerable but still It is considered as one of the best health-boosting activities.

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