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Life Talk!

socializing in internet



United States

I recently started to use socializing services like facebook, twitter.

I have been kinda skeptical to those services, not because it's silly or not interesting, but because I'm not interested in and I don't fell necessity.

Maybe, because I'm married and have a new born baby, no time for other people than my family now.

However, you know what? It was very interesting.

I looked up my friends from my contacts list of gmail.

Some of them were already using facebook.

It was easy to add them into my friends list.

And I could see some photos of them and could imagine how they are doing.

It didn't take much time. I liked it.

And twitter… I don't know have friends there yet. So I can't say that I like it.

But, It looks interesting.

Basically I can log what I am doing and other people who is following me will comment on it.

I'm not sure what kind of stuff I can put there.

Are you using socializing service?


09:54 PM Feb 15 2008 |