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Life Talk!

Mind or body...which is the centre of sex




Which is the centre of sex..our mind or body…?Can we controll it & what are the effects of of our efforts..?

01:48 AM Feb 20 2008 |

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I feel that sex appears in body first & by the passage of time it becomes a part of our mind.

03:10 AM Feb 21 2008 |



I think the two have to go together. Both of them are the center of sex. what is body without sensing? Without thoughts sex will not be pleasurable. Having sex with just your body is nothing ..as if you are just having sex with a dead person. mind will teach you how to react…whats in your mind will go through your body and that how will it be as good as you like it.

06:09 AM Feb 21 2008 |



The generates the impulse that stimulates the sexual organs. The mind is capable of accepting or rejecting any message from the eyes being sex appeal or others. feel free to reach for details…..............

10:23 AM Feb 21 2008 |



Dear Sweet10hearts & Shadoww

What is the pleasure of sex…?most of us don't know that…It's not mind or body although it's through body…for the time being we go beyond mind…we become thoughtless…. for a moment we trannscrndent to another world our…. real jump from mind ,to stay at mind always is the greatest tension… we need something to go away from the mind .. we may use druggs or sex to go bellow the mind… for a very little span of time we jump from the mind… & if we add awarenesss to the sex act we can jump to our soul… because it's soul that enjoys… to be soulful is the real enjoyment… it's a natural meditation to go beyond mind…

But this was not a part of my question.. I was thinking about the stimulators… I feel that  our life moves like chain… contineous process.. we start next day from where we left the last day.. we start next moment from where we left our life at the last moment… &

during our life when sex appears in our body it first comes to our body alone… & it's kind of lust.. as we go through intercourse it starts becoming part of our mind… first we fill the lust.. but as we are prohibted by our religions & society we could't fullfill our lust… hence it settles in our mind… we have desires.. fantasies pending.. we always desires some news  ....  

so the sex stimulant shifts from our body to mind… & it's mine experience that after we become old.. when our body become old & sex disappears from body it remains in mind only… & this is the most tragic situation… when our body matures but we have mind full of desires.. young…  hungry… but it happens with all those who don't move from lust to love…

lust is purely physical but love is something of mind… as lust is total mechanical love becomes sentimental… but it's our soul standing always behind our act… not in sex only but always… we never miss that but we just don't care that… it's the real observer in us… but we never live fully  so we never get connected with it..

02:33 AM Feb 23 2008 |




05:07 PM Feb 24 2008 |