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China Mad at Bjork for Supporting Tibet


johnSuper Member!

United States


Recently Chinese officials got upset with American singer Bjork for expressing her opinions about Tibet being free from China at a concert.  Chinese officials said:


"We will further tighten controls on foreign artists performing in China in order to prevent similar cases from happening in the future," the Ministry of Culture said in a statement, per Reuters. "We shall never tolerate any attempt to separate Tibet from China and will no longer welcome any artists who deliberately do this."


I'm asking my Chinese friends, do you agree with the government that artists who do the same thing should be banned from the country? 

04:09 PM Mar 10 2008 |

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MarkChina – ... your

Re Tibet Monk, evidence please

is not very … cleared, deteiled or smart.  To tell you the truth, it meant nothing because it was too simple, I just do not undersatnd it.  It would be great if you can put yourself in my perspective and read your post (like you should on this Tibet topic).  How about you show me some of your evidence that my claim is wrong (what ever the claim you think I am wrong)?  No point in being one sided, since you can attack my claim, but I can't do the same.

04:02 AM Mar 24 2008 |



Did you guys even look at the link I posted?  I just disproved that big names such as BBC, Times, isn't as trustworthy as one might think.  Top half is english, the bottom was chinese.  My Chinese isn't very good so I don't bother reading Chinese blog, I am sorry if you were too lazy to do some researches.  I can only read 1/4 to 1/3 of information in Chinese, since I came to Canada at very young age, but I visit China so I know the condition there.  So not knowing Chinese is just an excuse.  And Mark, it's not like I am the only one who makes claims without references, look at your other post.  You were saying how MOST Chinese trust their gov.  I know more Chinese ppl than you, and trust me, they DON'T.  Since you made that statement first, mind coming with statistic?  If you can't, please don't even mention "bringing in evidence".

And about the sources. Check out newspaper during March 17 or so.  See how many ppl were "burned".  Some Western media have that.  


This was today's news.  Ctrl – F and search for the word "death".  Even on the first page it mentioned " The Chinese authorities say 22 people died, including a police officer killed by a mob and shopkeepers who burned to death in the violence." See burned to death?

It's really, you guys not doing the researches.  This is in basic news.  On March 17, there were a lot more.  And this artilce I just clicked on Google News, the FIRST one about Tibet.  I mean common guys, don't you read the news before argueing?  The Tibet monks were pouring gasolines on innocent ppl around 1 week ago.  That was totally on the news.  Don't blame me for not giving this evidence, as one should had known just by reading some news about this event daily in different newsapaper.

12:32 PM Mar 24 2008 |



That is quite funny then.  I watch both, Canadian news and HK news by TVB.  And it was the TVB news that mentioned it.  And just "today", the TVB news mentioned a baby boy was burned to death.  Btw, if you don't know what's TVB, it is a TV station in Hong Kong who gets information from Chinese gov.  If the Chinese gov realease this news to TVB, I highly doubt they won't do the same in mainland China.  It is a) you don't watch the news there in China or b) you are not in China or c) both.  I don't think they would be blocking thier own news that they want their citizens to know.

If you don't trust the Chinese gov's news, that's one thing, but you completely block their news is another.  One needs to be open minded before debateing.  Must not have double standard, and cannot be bias or else the debate would be on forever becuase one side always block or shut the other side.

03:29 PM Mar 25 2008 |