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Life Talk!

Swan Flu attacks non Muslim only


Syrian Arab Republic

  Muslims don’t  eat pig’s meat , because the God  “Allah “ forbidden them to take it , so the real Muslim comply with God instruction and adhere his order .Real Muslim without any protection shall not have HIV/AIDS because he/she have a legal sex” marriage” and not jump from friend to another, God prevented all kinds of relations except the decent real marriage     But Muslims maybe   get infected from sick people.Dear ,  again it’s a miracle of QUARN , Quran admonished believers not to take pigs and not to have only a decent and cleaned relation, otherwise the piad cost is as what you know these days . God has  firmly urged  all human to; firstly  have a deep  insight  in  Quran as it is the last message to all nations ,Secondly , you have  to  be always  vigilant  and don’t let devils of Satan and devils of human misleading 

03:41 AM May 05 2009 |

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Memo, reasonings of some particular people are just so irritating , that we can not use only polite and nice words….unfortunately

2matrix- ok! let's save the world and kill all the pigs – and then we will live in happiness, in piece and  without  diseases!

i think we shouldn't involve in here some religious prejudices! it's an absurd!  The next day can happen sheep flu, or  goat flu or….whatever….. What would u say then??

U just need a reason to find a fault!

04:55 PM May 07 2009 |



"I'm quite sure that this is not your opinion Saw"

Of course no man! But maybe some people take it in the wrong way.

"Let's say all these were just a point of view rather than facts. Better?"

Better!! Laughing

05:45 PM May 07 2009 |




what a stupid topic hehe, come on guys, these things just happen, its just a damn coincidence, some countries are being affected by smth bad, so what?, it was Muslim's turn to suffer when Israel kicked their….pride some months ago. By that time u were just crying and cursing and yelling, but now u see some other country suffering and u show off about ur God? hehe no sense fellas.


Oh and about the "clean and legal" sex over there, lol, I dont live there and still know thats a bullshit dude, plz dont repeat it otherwise u'll look like a fool…again

08:21 PM May 07 2009 |



"By the way Saw, which part are you?"

About?? Which are my options?? Hahahaha!

I mean, I was not offended by this topic, but I like to give my point of view not based in religion but in facts. Besides, even when I don´t have the same religion as you, I respect muslims and Islam. World is enough big for religion diversity. 

09:40 PM May 07 2009 |




For ur knowledge all, the Arthodoz Pope here in Egypt from 3 months asked Christians not to eat pork meat coz it causes many deaseses…...
second, there r great difference between the SWINE FLU and birds flu or any flu coz swine flu can spread ion a vast shape from person to many, while bird flu not, it affect who only deal with it then not from this person to another….and that's why the National Health Organization held its compagian(it is not muslim organisation) and raise the dgree to five and if it raised to 6 then, it will be  a very dangrous state but u don't follow the scientific news about it beside it will cause the financial crisis not crisis no longer coz there will not be fainicial from begining…..
third the pig, is the only animal who can include the human flu and bird flu beside swine flu…if all gathered togther in him it will be a disater coz a conversion will happened and the new combined virous can destroy half of the huminity in a week…..
Venzuela guy,
ur presedent is more than wise u, (israel kick palstni) oh, u admit, then if they reply the kick they will be terorist? ok one day they will expell them from their land , don't afriadUndecided

04:49 AM May 08 2009 |



"For ur knowledge all, the Arthodoz Pope here in Egypt from 3 months asked Christians not to eat pork meat coz it causes many deaseses…"

Swine influenza viruses are not transmitted by food. You can not get swine influenza from eating pork or pork products. Eating properly handled and cooked pork and pork products is safe. Cooking pork to an internal temperature of 160°F kills the swine flu virus as it does other bacteria and viruses.

This means that ignorance doesn´t depend of the religion (Catholic, muslims, budist. etc). And of course if the meat is not well-cooked it could be dangerous for humans.


02:49 PM May 08 2009 |



"Eskimo people used to eat raw meat "

Sometimes viruses can´t survive in extreme temperatures. And I don´t know if they eat raw pork meat, hahaha! Maybe fish, isn´t it?

Freezing is often used to kill parasites. According to European Union regulations, freezing fish at -20°C (-4°F) for 24 hours kills parasites. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends freezing at -35°C (-31°F) for 15 hours, or at -20°C (-4°F) for 7 days.

05:14 PM May 08 2009 |




As usual,

Stupidity continues…............

05:20 PM May 08 2009 |



@ Amar1970,

agreed but two questions:

1) Why did God created Pig in first place?

2) Why did God created HIV/Aids in first place?


06:07 PM May 08 2009 |




silly, you dont get the ilness because of to eat pig's meat! Uruguayan haven't this illness yet and we eat a lot of pig meat.

09:17 PM May 08 2009 |