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Life Talk!

By the way- Men are as sensitive and emotional as the women are! Isn’t it?



Sensibly, Men are not inferior to Women, as is presumed generally. It is true that the Men manage their emotions differently. We are generally not much expressive when it comes to personal matters. Most of the times, Unlike SHE, HE wouldn’t give words to his emotional feelings.


HE needs to work out and learn to put emotions into words but SHE is master of that art by birth. HE would think every time before getting into a talk but SHE would understand in the process of talking. But beyond the veil of words, there beats a same sensible Heart in a Male chest.

 So, How do you view the Menfolk in this field of Women dominance?

10:44 AM Jun 06 2009 |

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Of course I totally agree.

I have male friends who live an impossible love story and they can't get rid of it or they still live in their past and their previous stories and they suffer for years without trying to forget


10:48 AM Jun 06 2009 |