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Life Talk!

Some thing I've been wondering for quite alot about Germany.




What is the philosophical explanation behind German roads with no speed limit, namely the Autobahn.

(As you know there's not speed limit in some of the German roads).

Now I think the answer may be a result of Germany's culture and behavioral patterns. Having no speed limit could possibly give a boost to German ego and encourage the development of faster and more powerful cars. So basically having no speed limit is like a way of showing off how great their cars are. 

Thanks in advance :)

10:38 PM Jan 30 2010 |

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:D:D not so much…
but snow gets on my nerves slowly. it has been snowing here for a month and a half and the only good thing is that we dont have school because of it.
Am Mittwoch fällt die Schule aus
2. Februar 2010 | 16:45 Uhr | von shz.de
Einsam im Schneegestöber: In Nordfriesland ist die Schule ausgefallen. Foto: Dewanger
Freude über das Schneetreiben bei den Schülern: Das Nordseetief “Lali” beschert ihnen am Mittwoch Unterrichtsausfall im ganzen Land.
Wegen des starken Schneefalls und der damit verbundenen schwierigen Verkehrsverhältnisse in Schleswig-Holstein fällt am morgigen Mittwoch, 3. Februar, im ganzen Land der Unterricht an allen öffentlichen allgemein bildenden und beruflichen Schulen aus. Das teilte am Nachmittag das Kieler Bildungsministerium mit.
Bereits am Dienstagvormittag hatte das Schneetreiben im Kreis Nordfriesland dafür gesorgt, dass der Unterricht an allen Schulen vorzeitig beendet wurde. Das Kieler Bildungsministerium hatte eine Empfehlung an sämtliche Schulen im Land herausgegeben, die Kinder früher nach Hause zu schicken, sagte Sprecher Thomas Schunck. Allerdings müsse gewährleistet sein, dass die Schulbusse die Schüler früher abholen und die Kinder zu Hause betreut werden.

07:06 PM Feb 02 2010 |




that is actual the situation on the  Autobahn

yes memo the hun you have tomorrow snow free….by the way we have in the erzgebirge much more snow 30 till 80 cm but my daughter must go tomorrow in school we have also a snow storm….but a better infrastructure through snow ploughs and every car owner has good winter wheels on their cars.most car owner  have also snow chains…we have every year in the winter this situation you have got now in north germany.

08:43 PM Feb 02 2010 |




umm….what about writing in English so everyone will understand…

and yet, u both haven't answered my question. Why Germany is the only country in the world which puts the sign – no speed limit, what IS the reason behind it???

no school? good for u, hope you're having fun!!



09:45 PM Feb 03 2010 |




oh it is our strong auto lobby who give us the free car ride on the autobahn ...even our former chancellor gerhard Schröder was sitting in the management of a automobile concern….

this auto lobby create the slogan

free car ride for free citizen 

freie fahrt für freier bürger

don't be worry about the German Autobahn i think you can drive saver as in israel

 please compare the israel rate of traffic deaths with the german rate of traffic death

germany has 65 traffic death in relation to 1 000 000 inhabitants


11:46 PM Feb 05 2010 |





what is going on in Israel? drive they like crazy or sleep the drivers behind the steering wheels like in the usa…it is real dangerous to drive slow  on the american highway, or superhighway through the usa …

Deaths Per 10,000 Cars


Source: Jerusalem Report, (April 4, 2005) from Israeli Police Data



12:58 PM Feb 06 2010 |

phong nguyen

Viet Nam

Well.The reason is still left unexplained. Why dont u ask German government directly ? =))

02:05 PM Feb 06 2010 |




Well, Israeli driving culture is pretty bad. For instance – too many people don't follow the "give way" sign. I'm not sure the problem is sleeping while driving, moreover I'm 100 percent sure it's not driving too slow. When I visited Holland, I was shocked how the Dutch ppl were so genuinely polite and patient towards others. That explains the status you've shown above.

phong nguyen – you're right! I haven't got a good answer yet. Although, I've got a feeling now that driving as fast as you want has some thing to do with idividual freedom, a dervivate of democracy.



03:23 PM Feb 06 2010 |




phong nguyen our government is so different as we German citizen….we have a democrazy.at the moment you can't find a majority to rule the autobahn speed…

we have no speed law we have only a speed recommendation for the Autobahn…and only this can tell you our Government!

""""Speed limit on highways

The regulation on a general speed limit on motorways and similar roads from 21.11.1978 a speed of 130 km / h as a general recommendation has been introduced. The recommendation applies to highways and district roads, which are motorway-expanded.

The recommendation is aimed at drivers of cars and other vehicles with a gross weight up to 3.5 tons.

A violation of the recommendation is not threatened with sanctions, however, comes under civil law, depending on the circumstances of the case joint liability as and when the speed limit was not respected and that this leads to a causal connection with the accident."""

03:58 PM Feb 06 2010 |