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Life Talk!

image of women in the Internet



United Arab Emirates

Hi. The subject attracted me, and is in everywhere, and these questions addressed to the boy's .

 Would you accept that your sister put her image on the Internet?

What about the girls who give of their pictures on the Internet?

Is this something normal for you?

 This is something rude, but why you put your photos?

11:08 AM Jun 23 2010 |

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Please i have to say something why do middle eastern people look at the rest of us as retarted people i find it very offensive….first i hear that women should not put their pics on sites, then i hear that women don't get turned on by men come on are we on the same planet!!!!.....most of the pics or should i say 90% of the pics i have seen on this site of female members are far from obscene….and to see a woman and be turned on is natural it now comes down to individual decipline…and believe me women do get turned on by men….this is why we fight for an equal society; to segregate women from contributing to society is a grave sin and that community is worse of for it…Even God our creator the true democrat gave us free will but has his own laws for his own society so if he can give us that who are we to refuse another human beign his or hers….

06:56 AM Jul 28 2010 |