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Movie Madness!

Before Sunset




Hey, movie fans!

Have you ever dared to go for a walk along Paris with Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy? Did you wonder how could you be for 77 minutes paying attention just what they were talking while they went through different corners of this amazing city?

For me it's more than a love story. It's the way our decisions give shape to our lives.

Excellent dialogue and fancy way of filming their meeting.

What's your feeling?



05:12 PM Jun 19 2007 |

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 Okay,okay..nobody has seen this fim. What a pity!

Well…all of the sudden, an idea has sprung to my mind Cool Here you are, a piece from the script..tell me what do you think about. If you fancy,of course…Wink


The story, the idea is that…there's this guy. Right? And…he's totally depressed. I mean, his great dream was to be a lover, an adventurer, you know, riding motorcycles through South America, and instead he's sitting at a marble table, eating lobster, and he's got a good job and a beautiful wife, right? But you know, everything that he needs. But that doesn't matter, 'cause what he wants is to fight for meaning.

You know, happiness is in the doing, right, not in the… getting what you want. So, he's sitting there, and just at that second, his little five year old daughter hops up on the table. And he knows that she should get down 'cause she could get hurt, but she's dancing to this pop song, in a summer dress. And he looks down, and all of a sudden, uh, he is sixteen. And…his high school sweetheart is dropping him off, at home. And they've just lost their virginity, and she loves him, and the same song is playing on the car radio, and she climbs up and starts dancing on the roof of the car. And now, now he's worried about her! And she’s beautiful, with a…a facial expression just like his daughter‘s. In fact, you know, maybe that's why he even likes her. You see, he knows he's not remembering this dance, he's there. He's there in both moments simultaneously. And just like for an instance (snaps his fingers), all his life is just folding in on itself and it's obvious to him that time is a lie…(Jesse motions to his right, and sees Céline standing against the wall, listening to him) uh…that's it's all happening all the time and inside every moment is another moment, all…You know, happening simultaneously.

And, anyway, that’s…that's kind of the idea…anyway.


05:08 PM Jun 21 2007 |




I meant…here you are, a piece from the script..tell me what do you think..if you fancy, of course!!

05:09 PM Jun 21 2007 |



Viet Nam

loooooooooooooooool how is about before sunrise?

i saw before sunset through subtitle but not concentrated on it. So sorry …..just want to leave some words

06:09 PM Jul 12 2007 |



i wachted before sunrise and before sunset.actually,i don't think those are romantic movie,i thought they are so boring.just talk and talk…noting special.

01:53 AM Sep 23 2007 |




Hi all,

I have to recognize I haven't seen yet "Before sunrise".I will for sure although.Overall, after your comments. Smile

Anyway, I really enjoyed the second part without seen the first one. Unbelievable!What's more,ningning1210,  not even a kiss is necessary to feel the strong attraction and complicity between them during the whole movie.Romance can be breathed in every gesture and word and the script can be anything BUT NOT BORING!! (That's my point of view,of course)

Enjoy the seventh art whatever the film you choose!! Wink

03:59 PM Sep 25 2007 |




that must be a beautifull film ,..

through ur script , I see two persons walking along the quiet street before sunset , talking about the life & time they feel ,the inside world is magic , u can have two moments ,also can have two lives ,one is now ,the other is the dream …. I am not a man as time passes ,but I can feel the his " the time is lie"...in fact what excatly is truth ? we are far from so many things which we thought were beautifull …

09:24 PM Sep 25 2007 |




Mmm..what about this piece from the script? what do you think?

Wait! (They stop walking, and turn to face each other.) Before we go anywhere, I have a…I have to ask you…

Jesse: Sure, what?

Céline: Did you show up in Vienna, that December?

Jesse: (Clutches at the waist of his pants, and looks to his left.) Uh, did you? (Looks her in the eye again.)

Céline: No, I couldn't, but…Did you? I need to know, it's important to me.

Jesse: (Looks down.) Why, if you didn't?

Céline: (More earnestly.) Well, did you?

Jesse: No. (Shakes his head.)

Céline: Oh, thank God you didn't! (Breathes a loud sigh of relief.) Oh my god! (They start walking forward again.)

Jesse: I mean, thank God I didn't, and you didn't! I mean, if one of us had showed up there alone, then that would have sucked.

Céline: I know! I know! I know! I was so concerned with that. I always felt horrible about not being there, but I couldn't! You know, my grandma died a few days before, and she was buried that day, December 16th, that day!

Jesse: She died, the one in Budapest?

Céline: Yes, you remember that?

Jesse: Yeah, I remember everything.

Céline: Of course, it was in your book. But anyway, I was about to fly to Vienna, you know, and I…and we heard the news about her, and of course I took her to the funeral with my parents.

Jesse: Yeah, well, I'm sorry to hear that.

Céline: I know. But you weren't there anyway. (Stops to face him again, and nudges him on the elbow.) Wait. Why weren't you there? I would have been there if I could have, I made plans, and…Wait. You‘d better have a good reason! (Jesse looks down to his left, then back at her without saying anything.)

What?! (Studies his expression.) Oh…no! No, you were there, weren't you? (He blinks both eyes once, as of to say yes.) Oh, no, that's terrible! (Walks away from him, hiding her face. He follows, momentarily one step behind.) I know I'm laughing, but I don't mean it! Did you hate me? You must have hated me. Have you been hating me all this time? You have!

Smile waiting your comments!! C'mon!!

05:05 PM Sep 27 2007 |




ah…my god ,  I am confused by "were there " or " weren't there " , what were exactly going on ?  Celine wanted to make sure Jesse hadn't showed up in vienna ,but why ? She hoped they could be together always ? oh , i am really lost ,was celine there or not ? what did that matter ??  Undecided

05:47 PM Sep 27 2007 |




Laughing The matter was that both of them had agreed meeting again six months later in the same place: Vienna. Nevertheless, Celine's granny passed away some days before and just that day she had to attend to her funeral. So, Jesse was the only one who showed up the December 16th in Vienna. From than moment on they didn't have any way to contact each other because they had decided not to interchange phone number or address, not even they knew their surnames…

They have just met by second time after many years and….What's your feeling? Would you be able to do something like that if you think you has bumped with Mr/Ms Perfect?Wink

09:36 PM Sep 30 2007 |




wow , so it is !! six months are not a short time ,even one month happened something unexpectedly , as reslut the two can not contact each other any more ..

I don't worry about the distance & the time ,but I really scare to lose contact ,so if I meet my mr perfect I will at least get his THINGS he most likes ,such as most places like to go ,or the email u most use … that will make me feel near with him…Smile 

11:40 PM Oct 01 2007 |