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Rainy Days

Rainy Days

Date: Mar 13 2009

Themes: Hobbies, Weather

Grammar: Simple Present Tense


1. Learn Vocabulary - Learn some new vocabulary before you start the lesson.

2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

Believe it or not, spring is almost here. And in most places, that means warmer weather and less rain and snow.

Some people find the rain depressing. But for others, it’s a perfect excuse to stay inside and curl up with a good book or watch a movie. For Beren, rainy days are even better than sunny ones. Listen to her explain to Dale why she loves the rain so much.


1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.





Dale:  Did you see the rain today?

Beren:  I noticed. It was raining cats and dogs.

Dale:  How do you feel about that, when it rains?

Beren:  I don’t know. I don’t ever get the blues when it rains. I actually kinda like it.

Dale:  I do too. I mean, last week it was sunny, it was beautiful, it was a perfect temperature. But when it rained it just kinda cleaned everything off.

Beren:  Exactly. A nice little drizzle.

Dale:  Well since you like both of those, which one is your ideal type of weather?

Beren:  I think I might prefer the rain, actually.

Dale:  What do you do to pass the time when it’s raining? Play video games?

Beren:  Watch movies.

Dale:  Watch movies? Just stay home?

Beren:  Totally.

Dale:  What did you do today since it was raining?

Beren:  Watched a movie.

Dale:  Well it seems like the winter’s almost over. Are you excited that the sun’s gonna be up all the time?

Beren:  I like it a little…I don’t know…a little downpour here and there. It doesn’t really bother me. I mean, we’ve had so much sun. And it hadn’t been hailing. We haven’t had any, you know, rain…

Dale:  Snow storms in a while. Thank goodness.

Beren:  Totally. So it’s kinda nice. I mean, the sun’s nice, but…

Dale:  Oh, the rain is great. I’m more productive in the rain than I am when it’s sunny.


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Beren and Dale talk about the rainy day they just had. Beren spent the day watching a movie at home.

Both Beren and Dale like the rain. Beren says she never gets depressed in the rain. She enjoys staying at home and watching movies when it’s raining. For her, rainy days are even better than sunny days.

Dale likes the rain because it makes everything feel clean and fresh. He also says that he’s more productive when it’s raining. When it’s raining, you’re more likely to stay inside instead of going out.

Are you more productive on rainy days, or do you find the rain depressing? What is the weather like in your country?



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Compared with rainy days,i prefer sunny days!frankly speaking,it is true that rain can make the world more bright,and bring us a rainbow hanging in the sky,but i don't like everything getting wet entirely.Laughing

01:46 PM Mar 15 2009 |


Syrian Arab Republic

actually i prefer sunny days. because i feel depressed when it rains

01:29 PM Mar 15 2009 |



i like sunshine

01:21 PM Mar 15 2009 |



Generally I  like rainy weather. I live in İstanbul and now it's raining. When the it rains cats and dogs I watch the movies at home. BUt I prefer snow. When It's snowy I take my book and prepare my hot chocolate for myself and I read a book in front of the window.

 Altough I Like the rainy and snowy weather, my favorite seoson is summer because te weather is sunny and when I want to go out I can do this any time of I want. And I feel happy when the weather sunny.

12:34 PM Mar 15 2009 |


Leon_idSuper Member!

Russian Federation

Since I moved to Saint-Petersburg, the rain doesn't seem to bother me any more. It's a kinda usual state of wheather here throghout the year. So there's no use in complaining about damp air, drizzles & chilling Baltic winds & I'm all ready to go out even if it pours with rain 'cause I've just got used to it. The thing is one should stick to a nice umbrella like Duncan McLeod never leaves his swordLaughing

10:30 AM Mar 15 2009 |




I love the rainbow after rainy days.:D It means to start of something new.Wink

10:15 AM Mar 15 2009 |




hi i am ramazan i want to meet you

08:50 AM Mar 15 2009 |


Viet Nam

last time i prefer rainy day its so awsome for me to stay inside, listen to music, watch TV but when i grow up more my thinking has changed i like the sunny day it brings me vitality to be active so all assignment seem to be done better off

07:45 AM Mar 15 2009 |




i like snow,snow  peresents  pure and clean in my heart

07:17 AM Mar 15 2009 |




I like rainy days,to be exact,I love drizzle.but the rainy days of hangzhou had continuously almost month!that make me bule.to my delight its going clear!

06:25 AM Mar 15 2009 |

bill lee cn


actually I don't like rainy days. it makes all the day wet and dip. and I often have a bad moon when it's a rainy day.

06:07 AM Mar 15 2009 |

saeed ul hassan


I Love Rainy days because i am wanted to spend my lot of times withe my girl friend during rainy days.Rainy days feling are too good just like as we flying in the air.Finaly i am saying I LOVE rainy seasons.

05:42 AM Mar 15 2009 |



thoes days it rain several days ,so my feeling is not very well .i like sunning day .so that i can go and see my friends ,sometimes we may going picnic.

05:28 AM Mar 15 2009 |




Well, different seasons have a different sense each individual, some finds winter very joyful but other the summer.

In fact, each season has its own fact, beauty, quality and romance. Thanks to God for creating beautiful nature.  

04:06 AM Mar 15 2009 |



I like rainy days ,because in that days i can get up late.

03:59 AM Mar 15 2009 |




It was rainy for mostly 3 weeks.but today is sunny.

I donnot like the  riany day ,because it makes my mood badly.Besides,it cause lots of inconvenience.

03:10 AM Mar 15 2009 |



It rains a lot in Taipei, especially in spring time. I get blues when it rains because rainy cause lots of inconvenience, such as traffic jams, bringing umbrella and making you all wet. Frown

02:18 AM Mar 15 2009 |



Saudi Arabia

Fantastic :) ...


I Love rain badly but unfortunatily it doesn't rain alot here 

n this winter was really so poor …

I am productiv in all cases Tongue out

Ya RAin and wash My Pain … ( T.T )

great lesson ,, thanks alot  ...

11:51 PM Mar 14 2009 |



Saudi Arabia

I like little drizzle but i hate heavy raine

11:06 PM Mar 14 2009 |

khaled mas


The sunny day become more beautiful and more clean after the rainy days.

05:50 PM Mar 14 2009 |

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