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June 17, 2010




I know most of you find it really hard to wake up early in the morning and to go to school.What's even worse is if your first class happens to be a boring one. A class wouldn't be boring if the teacher himself isn't. In my case, I'm a college student and I'm stuck in the most boring class I've ever been. My professor is an old woman with flabby arms. She is soft-spoken and for me, she looks like a fish. She has big eyes and wide lips and I really hate her. Not because of how she looks but because of the way she teaches us. 


Yeah recitations are good. Not only it can keep the class alert but it can also help improve our class standing. But with her, recitations seem to have no effect in us. She practically asks us questions non-stop. I mean, it's like, she asks five questions every minute. I exaggerated that a bit but it's almost like that. And i really hate it whenever she has follow-up questions. She only accepts DETAILED answers. That means, we really have to elaborate and explain our answers. I know it's the right thing. But does she really have to do that every minute? Our hearts gonna pop out if she will not stop doing it. Oral recitations are making me sick. I just really wish that I can see right into her mind so I'd know the exact answers right away. 


More entries: Boredom in Class, This is Me (1)

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