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Peace For World, so lets sahre and tal

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July 7, 2009

  In a cold, dark cloudy day of my shattered realm. Where human is deprived from, joy or those movements that warm your body up. Past and future of mine is manifesting in a shape of a wolf or a nightmare. I cannot run away from them. However its cold but my mind is still running, it’s constipated with questions, I might never get any answer for them. Questions might perhaps no one dare think of them. My soul is bothered of my body; it’s no longer mine for it does not want it. It might be someone else’s “soul” that may be not new, as Thales said “nothing new will show up on this planet, including human”. People die and souls exist somewhere else and in another body. It seems logical; thousands years ago human brought to earth, tyrannies do exist over and over. I might have got that soul from one of those people.

Still it’s cold, people are wearing warm clothes, they keep their body temperate, and their soul might possibly leave them and may find someone else somewhere. It’s about to rain, I rather want get wet, and hopefully this would kill off all my monstrous desires. Writing this might be deviltry, still cold. I’m afraid, it’s not killing me, and I’m getting use to it, perhaps things I’m thinking of never finish thou there is one thing I’m terrified most of, is my soul will find someone else out of my realm….            



More entries: why I have been baned from the Ebaby chat rooms , Death Flood, Tired of my live (2), Back to talk , shout up..................., If we could talk........... (2), what we must have ..... , Do you want talk..... learn (1), My soul, nations

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