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Sri Lanka

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November 6, 2007

Today i read the Crazy English and saw an artical about honesty.I like it.

  if you are dishonest,it's impossible to gain other people's trust.you'll ruin your reputation and nobody will want to be frients or do business with you.on the other hand,people will respect and think highly of you if you are honest.

  if you deceive others,they are very likely to deceive you in return.if you tell the truth,other people are more likely to be honest with you.telling the truth will help you live in peace and harmony with people around you.

  always remember honesty is the best quality.honesty is always tje best policy.

Teacher said read this aloud can help me better my english.

I'll try my best to do everything.

03:13 AM Mar 06 2009



confidence is a plant of slow growth.Wink

November 6, 2007

Did you see The Bourne Identity? Oh my God. It’s crazy from beginning to end. Matt Damon plays this guy who wakes up on a boat with gunshot wounds in his back, and he doesn’t remember anything about who he is. When he gets to the shore, he finds out that, whoever he is, someone is trying to kill him. He spends the whole movie narrowly escaping death.

They just made a second sequel, called The Bourne Ultimatum. If you saw the first movie recently, or the second one, The Bourne Supremacy, you’re probably still too exhausted to check out the latest one, so listen to Marni and Kevin talk about it.

November 6, 2007

Did you see The Bourne Identity? Oh my God. It’s crazy from beginning to end. Matt Damon plays this guy who wakes up on a boat with gunshot wounds in his back, and he doesn’t remember anything about who he is. When he gets to the shore, he finds out that, whoever he is, someone is trying to kill him. He spends the whole movie narrowly escaping death.

They just made a second sequel, called The Bourne Ultimatum. If you saw the first movie recently, or the second one, The Bourne Supremacy, you’re probably still too exhausted to check out the latest one, so listen to Marni and Kevin talk about it.