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I love Islam

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October 3, 2011

Among the wonders that testify to God’s limitless power and His control of everything in the universe is one that we see every day without giving it much thought. This is the ability of birds to fly: “Do they not see the birds and how they are enabled to fly in mid-air? None but God holds them aloft. In this there are signs for people who will believe.” (Verse 79 chapter: 16)

Because it is so familiar to us to see birds flying in mid-air, we do not pay attention to the fascinating wonder their flying involves. Our minds do not give it much thought unless we are fully alerted to it, contemplating it with the eye of a talented poet seeking to capture every detail and nuance. The verse makes it clear that as the birds fly, “none but God holds them aloft.” He does so through His laws of nature, which make the birds able to fly and make the atmosphere around us amenable for their flight. It is His laws that keep the birds in mid-air, floating safely, without fear that they may fall: “In this there are signs for people who will believe.” (Verse 79 - Chapter: 16)

A believer’s heart is one which appreciates the wonders of creation, looks at them with awe and expresses his feelings with worship and glorification of God, the Creator of all things. Believers who are talented in expressing their thoughts and feelings write masterpieces of every type in describing the wonders of God’s creation. They also describe their own feelings and how they are touched when they look at different creatures. No poet can rival their work if his heart is not kindled by the light of faith.

More entries: God’s Hidden Secrets, The Heart of The Quran, Cool story about Abstaining, Islam at a Glance for non-Muslim, Top 10 Misconceptions in Islam (part two), Top 10 Misconceptions in Islam (part one) (2)

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