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An empty heart




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July 18, 2008

 " Wow! A forest of celestial perfume flower!                You bloom from the heart of land,                 Land takes care for you, quietly, silently,                 You move and crack from the permanence                 You give me the endlessness,                 The magnificence from the ephemera of hurt, of death,                   I sing aloud,                  Commend you!                  Wow! a forest of celestial perfume flower!                  The beautiful face of you and my heart,                  The same beating of breath!                   I kiss on your soul,                   to listen to the peacefulness,                   to shake the hard life, the heavy life,                   I have you like a friend,                   like the trees, like the grass, like the truth, like the rock,                   on the bleak hill!                   the shining eyes,                   like the murmur, like a say,                   in the journey that doesn't know the target,                   in some seconds, it can be lost,                               ...."