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March 23, 2007

Eii Ryde, U goNNa lOve tHIs Pic hehhe i fOund this pic From Nowhere and I think U gOnna Like it cuz i kNow u Really lOve petS!! teLL me wheN u Saw it K, N pleZ leave a ComMent..

lol Tongue out

 curIous?? afraid??

aiya, me too dont know what kind of doG this 1mayB new breed lol puppy + blanket = coco crunch hahahaha


tHe tripLet dog.. Get a denTist  guys.. aiya,

i will never ever goNna have dOgs like tHis 1..



Look cLoser ! ! what U see heheheh

Poor Nemo..



aiya, U scare me big Puppy.. U out of my List..


Fashion Police.. Miao!! miao!!



i cant believe the owner didnt notice what her dog up to..



world largest cat. oVer-weight Monster i mean Miao!! heheh

March 23, 2007


hUhuuhHH, sCary sOmeone solD a sOul!!

Came back 2moRrow heheh mayB theY selL new sOul



wHat this guY dOin at Starbutts!! sTarbutts?? huH,,

mayB they selL buTts not cOffEe this time

BcaReful staRbuCk..


i Find this Hard 2 belIVE

i read This moRe theN 5 timEs

i stIlL can Figure oUt why HAND BAG is so dangeroUs!! ??