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December 20, 2009

I heard a distant whisper come a echoing through the trees
I turned and looked west...then east...but nothing I did see.
I only felt the gentle touch of the midnight breeze.

Back to my book I turned when again I heard a sound
Come sailing on the breeze like an elegant feathered fowl
but still... I was unable to make the whisper out

I arose from my chair and turned around and stared
Scouting out the tree line expecting something there
When again I heard a whisper come floating through the air

Uncertain but quite sure a question is what I heard
Fleeing from the forest with the wings of a bird
Asking "What is it you search upon this earth?"

Silently there I stood unsure if I should speak
Uncertain if this question was even addressed to me
When again with the wind the echo returned to me

This time I spoke but in a whisper of my own
Still in a voice of confidence and authoritative tone
"I seek to fulfill the will of God...and that alone"

I stood there waiting for some kind of response or sign
Listening while looking towards the tree line of the pines
Yes waiting there I did for quite a length of time

I began thinking I'd imagined that this was taking place
or perhaps it was just another testing of my faith
Unsure of either I sat back down to contemplate
How I could grow stronger in my faith as the hour grew late.

December 16, 2009

Thirty minutes is all I have, I just turned over the hour glass        

and the grains of sand are falling fast and fading quickly just like my past.

It's been so long since I've just sat down and freely  wrote,                                    
with no direction and no great inspiration or hope

Yes it's been too long of a time since I sat down with just my mind

with the only focus being on completing a comprehensible rhyme.                    

How dull has my creative talent become?            
This God given gift that I've pushed under the rug.                                        

So selfish in my own pursuit of pleasure...           

I ignore my fate and calling from my Heavenly father.   

How much longer can I disappoint him with my actions?       

How much longer will I stray towards worldly distractions?

How much longer can he show me mercy,

continuing to still bless me though I am so unworthy?

In a world where the devil is having his way,

rejoicing over his mischief even though he's bound in chains,

there needs to be an out reach to the young ones of this day,

for they are so lost in the world in what they think, do and say.

Just look how things have changed within the past fifty years,

even though I'm too young to have lived in that time the evidence is clear.

Just flip through the archives of television and are your eyes blind to see

how drastically society has changed it's way of living?

Children having children after being so influenced by the popular culture

The last remnants of anything Holy is slowly being picked at by the vultures

who seem to have no morals or wholesome values left within their soul.

They desire to always push things a little further than what we currently hold

but just how much further out on the plank can the balance be forced to go?

How Biblically illiterate has society become?

So many say they are Christians but you wouldn't know it by their tongue.

They tattoo religious symbols on their skin to show who they believe in

Yet their Stupidity shows that they never took the time for reading

for Leviticus 19:28 speaks so plainly of what one should not do

but I can't pass judgment....for I'm a sinner too!

Thirty minutes....I think that'll do