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Kink up hopes when u r stuck in depression

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August 21, 2006

  • There'r a lot of ways to travel from city to city - including airplanes , buses , trains , and even boats.But one of American's favourite ways is by car.
  • The freedom of the open road and the fun of seeing all the interesting things between here and there make a great adventure.
  • Sb recently drove sb's car all the way from A , B to , C , D.
  • So, xx , how's your drive up from xx ?    It was great , expcept it got kinda hot out.
  • I don't know what the temperature was , but the sun was shining directly on me.   And I was stuck in the traffic , so I got a sunburn.                                                You got a sunburn through the car windshield ? --> windscreen (BrE)
  • I had to roll the window 'cause my A.C. was broken. -> A.C. : air conditioning    So you had no A.C. from a drive all the way ?  1 mile = 1.60900 kms             e.g. My house is 20 miles from the airport.
  • You were driving  in the middle of the summer , with no A.C. from A to B?
  • Were you just drenched in sweat the whole way
  • Luckily , I had my windows rolled down and I was driving by the coast for lots of the time , so I had the great breeze.
  • How long was the total drive ?            How long does that take ?      


  • I've driven down to xx a few times.  There are some stretches of highway that are totally barren.You can drive for miles and see nothing !
  • I can't even imagine  driving without air conditioning.
  • Sb must have had a very good reason to be taking his car up to xx.
  • Even though I wouldn't drive all the way from xx to xx in the summer,  I do like take road trips.
  • Driving is much faster than a bus or a train and it's less expensive  than the plane.                    
  • Besides that , you can stop and see all of the cool things ( which ) there are to see along the way ~!

More entries: [:: hands-on::] 7 Sep '06, [::Forgive me ::] - 29.Aug, [::On The Horizon ::] - 24Aug'06, [::long drive::]- 19 Aug '03

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