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March 26, 2010

    20 years ago,a Mongolia girl was borned in a mild family which lived in a beautiful and fantacy place--XinJiang.My English name is Candice which let people cannot  help but think of a independent,warm-hearted,outgoing,and smart girl.Yes, that's me.Now,I will introduce myself to you.

    I always design  my life to be regular and rich .This is a routine I have never changed.So my life is systemtic and in perfectly order all the time.As a minority ,I'm regret that I'm not good at singing and dancing ,but I have a unusual habit .I named it "special rap".The lyrics of many soft songs seem as  a poetry.Therefore, I always recite it go with the songs instead of sing it.This is a particular and traditional Candice.

    I grew up in the northwest , the place of motherland where is a fruit hometown in summer and a snow world in winter .So the skiing and skating were my favourite activity when I was a kid.Besides it,in my childhood,I also liked watching the cartoon as other children.The Doraemon was my love.I often imaged if I could have mechinery cat,I would go everywhere and do every interesting things I liked.That's cool! It's my childhood,simple but happy and unforgetable.

    About myself,there are many interesting storys.If you like it,remember me!My name is Candice.

11:20 PM Mar 29 2010


hello,glad to kown you ,i think we can develop english t ogether and tell me more about your countryside and your life,oh ,i am hunan boy ~~~my msn:xiangyu1989@live.cn      you can add me