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March 26, 2011

    I am a lucky guy, we are lucky persons. At this moment and this place, we can see the bright stars and touch to the warmth of the sun. we can refreshed breathe freely and freely run; we do not have to worry about food, and life safetyweather, etc. These most basic living conditions. We are so happiness, we are God’s Beloved ….friends, if you are still complaining about the world and the life. In this case, if you still ignore your own happiness and wealth , now, you must wake up…..face to it . We have to treasure life, love life .   

March 21, 2011

  Some time ago,  some of the things hppening around me so i can't easily control their metions. at that time i worte this following words:

                For my life writing some words

I am sick. At this moment ,I feel upset because I am very despair to my life .i have lost myself.

The sorrow have full of my heart so I don’t feel that life is good. What shall I do?  Who am i ? Where should I go? Who will be with me? Where is my confidence and hope? Who can hear me? So many questions are drop in my head. Who can help me? That one is me. It make me become more and more desperate. I can only say that I don’t know! Where is my god? Is there any real heroes? Nobody will help a poor !


Who can make me smile?

Music has no effect on me.