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green greener

United Arab Emirates

April 22, 2009

An older woman has been asked about the meaning of love, she answered:

The first time I heard this word when I was little child and it was from my father who kissed me and said: I love you, then I said love is affectionateness, safety and warm hug. When I reached the adult age, I found a letter under the door of my home which the boy of our neighbor sent it with a title of my name and the subject is I love you, then I said love is boldness and craziness. When I engaged with the boy of our neighbor and I knew him better, the first word he told me is I love you, then I said love is ambition, work, purpose and ability. I get married and in the second day, my husband kissed me on my head and told me I love you, then I said love is eagerness, longing and yearning. One year passed, I gave a birth to my first child and I was tired on my bed, my husband came and hold my hand, he told me I love you, then I said love is thankfulness and appreciation. After the years passed, my hair turned white and my children got marriage, my husband looked at my hair and said with smile I love you, then I said love is mercy and sympathy. We became elder and each time my husband sees me, he said I love you, then I said love is loyalty, trustiness, sincerity and kindness. This is the love, when we grew up, we discovered its secrets. this is the love that starts small and gradually becomes big. Love is not the crimes that committed with its name.

06:37 PM Apr 23 2009



all we need is love.

the heart of life is love.

really i like this topic. 

April 18, 2009

It was saying that there was a farmer who owns a small area that locates beside the Atlantic Ocean. He continually announces for his desire to employ a worker to help him in his farm. There were a lot of people who refuse to work in farms that locate beside the Atlantic Ocean; because they are afraid of the scared storms that come to these areas which result in destroying houses and ruining crops. The farm did interview with many people for the job but he faced with refusing and rejecting for the candidate job. At last, a short slim man applies for the job; he seems in his fifties of age. The farmer asked a man if he is a good worker; the man replied that he could sleep when there is a winding storm. Though his mysterious answer, the farmer was in need for him, so he immediately employed him. The man was working in the farm with all his ability from the sunrise until the sunset. The farmer was satisfied with the work of the man. In one of the nights, the storming wind blew from the coast. The farmer jumped from his bed, he took the light bulb and quickly went to the man room. He waked up the man strongly and screamed “wake up quickly; there is a coming storm, tie up all the things before it is destroyed by the wind”. The man didn’t move from his bed and told to the farmer extremely “no sir, I told you, I could sleep while the wind is storming”. The farmer is shocked with the answer of the man and he intended to quit him from the job right now but he’s now hurry outside to prepare himself to face the storm. However, he was astonished that all the hay was covered with a material against the water, the cows are in the stockyard, the chicken in his place, all the doors are closed perfectly and all the shelters are protected against the storm. All the things were tied up that would not ruin from the storm. When the farmer understood what the man meant, he returned back to his bed and he slept too when the wind was stormed. When you’re spiritually, mentally, and practically ready, you don’t have a reason for the fear. The man in this story was able to sleep because he made the farm safe against the storm. We make our life safe from the storms that come in it when we hold the word ALLAH, we only need to be with him to feel peace when the wind storms. Can you sleep when the wind is storming in your life?

12:45 AM Apr 19 2009



thanx for the allegory!plz write more!

did u write it on your own?

April 12, 2009

The love reaches its top whenever the woman gave up from her perversity and the man from his hubris

When the woman hates a man to the level of death, you should know that she loved him to the level of death

As long as you can’t hide from her anything, it means you love her

Behind every successful woman, a failure love

A love that is a one chapter in man’s life, is a woman’s history

When the man accused a woman that she doesn’t have a heart, surely she kidnapped his heart

Men’s love like writing on the water and their faithful like writing on sands

The heart of a woman in love like a niche of gold, mostly it embraces a statue of mud

When the woman gave her picture to someone she loves, it is a promise that she’ll give the origin

For the woman three stages with love, in first she loves, in second she suffers and in third she regrets it

There are many men who kill themselves for the love and there are many women who become fat from the love

The love for the woman is an emotional story which she is a hero in it, and for the man is a story that he is the author

There are moments in every woman’s life when she feels that she needs a man to love with all her body

The love: woman and man and deprivation

How much the woman is talkative, the love teaches her to be silence

The most beautiful woman is the one who’s the love words tremble on her lips

The man in his love likes to know everything about a woman

If the woman loves a man, his manhood will never cringe

In love, the man is striker and the woman is a defender

When the man loves a woman, he does anything for her except one thing is to persist in her love

The woman’s logic carries on the base of a man she loves

The man is the more master than woman in friendship but she is more than him in love

The man when he loves like a folk quibbling, cautious, but the woman when she loves, she’s honest and sacrificed

The love that ended one day, wasn’t one day a real love

The love wasn’t dislocated from a woman’s heart except a new love

The woman can’t live without a lover

The love comes down to the woman in time full of silence and admire

The woman loves a man for him and the man loves a woman for himself too

The man’s love is a line and the woman’s love is pages

The woman’s happiness is to love a man and obey him

When the woman loves, her heart starts to break with fears and doubts

The feeling, love and faithful…all these will be written on the woman to do