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March 22, 2012

This title was written by me yesterday,but i felt tired and didn't have much time to finish this article.Today i'm not busy,so I want to show my friends what i had thought about attitude yesterday through this way. Attitude decides everything,This sentence is known by all,maybe someone think it's a little exaggeration and will say"There are a lot of elements to determine whether one thing can be success or not."But i think in many times attitude is the most important condition.Using the philosophic terminology to explain it is:Internal agent plays the decisive role,outer cause should act through internal agent.(内因起决定作用。外因通过内因起作用)Do you still remember Mi Lu?who was the coach of our football team a few years ago.When he training our fooball player,he always asked them to remember the first sentence mentioned in this paragraph.Mr. Mi told them if they change their attitude,they can make it.At that moment,our football really made a great progress and standed for a high level in its history. In my life,I use this sentence to inspire myself to do things with my best attitude. Yesterday was an important day to both of us.We had been together for 5 months,though it's a short period,we felt happiness these days.And we have the confidence that we will be happy in our life,because we met and had the right attitude to accompany with each other at the begining.Now we also have the same attitude to stay forever.

More entries: fish for life (4), Attitude, There are some friends we hold close to our hearts (5), Soory for my disappear (5), Introduction (3)

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