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hsuan chang


June 3, 2009

Today I read an article mentioned about the global warming and the increasing of the emission of carbon dioxide.They are really harmful to our environment.They may cause abnormal climate and meltdown the icebergs which can adjust the temperature of the earth.

But I was wondering who is the "major" killer for all those disasters? Undoubtedly,the United States, consuming 1/4 amount of petroleum and the largest groups of car owners.Next time, when they blame other country for the ignorance of saving our planet,they really should reflect themselves on what they do to our planet.

Through the high-tech inventions, many products in the world such as cars,electronic equipments, even houses are more and more eco-friendly.people start thinking about how to regenerate natural resource and protect them.we all hve the responsibility to do it well.Thus, we can get along with our planet and follow God's guidance wuth peace and joy.  

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01:28 AM Jun 04 2009



I think not only united states ,but also other countries,even our native country,should responsible for the environmental deterroration.