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I AM seeking what l can do



Hong Kong

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October 19, 2013

"what do you mean? Is it charge for free?"I said immediately

"sure , if you want, I can bring you to our church " he replied.

     however, I 'm so sorry that I can't go there today because I have to work from monday to saturday. he still really wants me to join and asked me when I can attend . I said that next week I will take a day off .

      So, I have started my real trip in my life.

October 17, 2013

 hello, everybody

I am ethan chow. Have you  been  churches? I had never gone there until I met a missonary at the ligh rail station once upon a time. maybe you are interested in why are this guy willing to go to church. As I remember I was going home ,someone interrputed me and ask me a question: do you want to join our english class every friday?

' huh?' I said.

I saw he wore uniform and he doesn't look like some people who always try their best to persuade you that jump into their trap.
