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September 6, 2009

I have been living in overseas for 4 years now, and 4 years that i have not celebrated Teacher's Day with my teachers.

i may never have the chance to express my gratitude to some of my teachers, as i had lost contact with them many years ago. maybe now all they had remember of me was just a little girl who was scared to step forward, not the girl with confidence and determination you all saw today. but no matter where they are, no matter how much they remember me, i want to thank all those who had taught me, and those who are teaching me right now, i want to give them a big "Thank You" for their efforts, and for their endless love for their students!

Happy Teacher's Day! www.lwfree.cn/jiaoshijie

i have an excellent teacher since the day i was born: my mother. she taught me how to speak words, she showed me how to walk, and her hands had guided me through a lot things. whenever i want to cry, i run into her arms; whenever i want comfort, i find her; whenever i am confused, i asked for her guide.

i had a very good teacher when i was in primary school. as i start school a year earlier, my teacher was worried that i may not follow the class. so she spent a lot time teaching me, and watching me play with others, if it is not her, i may not be the open-minded and easy girl i am today.

as i went to singapore, i had a very good english teacher. though you may think my english is quite gd, the first year of overseas was a very tough year for me, and he taught me english. he had always gave me extra tutions. without him, i wont graduate as the first in my class, without him, i would still be a girl struggling with english everyday.

i had a very understanding chinese teacher when i was in middle school, she seem to know what i feel, and always told me that it is not easy to live overseas, and that i should find my own sky. she had given me courage to go on, and with her excellent teaching, my chinese had improved dramatically.

also in middle school, i had a drama coach who introduced me to another part of the sky. he taught me how to act, how to express your feelings, and how to read with feelings. i had create wonders through his hands, i had touched a sky with the help from him. i, had acted as a main role in a school drama production, though my english is still not perfect.

as i came to america, i had an old teacher who had been in the field for over 30 years. he may not be a very good man, but he is a very good teacher. he helped me review all those english skills that i had forgotten, and made my english foundation stronger. under his class, i made it to regular in the second year of living in america. even now my new english teacher find it amazing for a girl from china to study regular english class in her second year of being in america.

everyone will have lots of teachers in their entire life, but not so many teachers will leave a strong expression in your head. i thank those teachers who had touched my heart, and gave me a new world to create, and i thank them for their efforts, their kind heart, and their excellent teaching. without them, i would not be the girl i am today. without them, i would not have the success, the pride, the honors i now owned. without them, my life, will be a hole with total darkness. they, had given me light to go on, they, had given me strength to strive for my goals, they along, had taught me what i need to know about life.


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