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Madame Gin's Labyrinth

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Madame Gin

Madame Gin


April 1, 2014

Hello Everybody! I'm known in various sites as Madame Gin. I wanted to experiment with my writing skills, so I decided to open this blog.

I won't promise a particular thematic. It's an experimental blog, so I'll just write the things that come to my mind. Curious things that happened to me, opinions, fiction works, role-play fragments, or things I heard about and I just want to share.

That's the reason I called this a labyrinth. It'll be full of passages, full of surprises, and though there is an exit, It'll be lost somewhere in middle of this forest.

You're Welcome to the Labyrinth!

More entries: Extreme Paradigms (See Link) (1), Stop Spam, Report Spammers (1), Getting Tired (Today's Wonders and the Modern Blind) (2), How's My Writing? - 1-800-Leave-a-Review (1), First Entry (So Much For Originality)

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