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Mason's World

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United States

November 23, 2009

November and December is the holiday season in the US, and we're getting ready to kick it in to high gear with Thanksgiving this Thursday. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of Thanksgiving, because it's a holiday that has basically devolved into being about eating HUGE quantities of food, which is something I'm neither inclined toward, nor good at.

Not only do I have to gorge myself, I have to do it three times. My fiance's parents are divorced and her mom, dad and my parents all live in the same town with us, so we have to do every holiday three times. That might sound like fun, but let me tell you, it's not. Not to me, anyway.

Honestly, I'm not super sure what Thanksgiving is celebrating. The elementary school line goes that the Pilgrims came to the "new world" and met the "Indians" (Native Americans) and we had a big feast - probably because the Pilgrims couldn't actually fend for themselves. There's a detailed discussion over on wikipedia if you want to form your own opinions (but be careful not to trust everything you read there).

More entries: The other side of 30 (1), Lord of the Rings - All At Once! (1), Magic, Heat wave (1), Driving to work (1), 30 (2), Taxes (1), Honeymoon! (8), Married! (11), Hard Work (5)

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05:16 PM Jan 08 2010


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11:29 PM Nov 30 2009



Dear all,

To me thanksgiving is important day of thanks for all food who give us but once a year is not enough we have to thank for every single meal and food we have, that is the real price of the real owner, as we pay the fee of food where we buy it from, we should pay the price to the real owner too, the real owner is ALLAH and the price, is when we start to eat as we muslims say that; Bismillah (In the name of ALLAH) and at the end of as we say Alhamdullillah (ThankALLAH). As u see that so simple u just  paying the price by these mgic words only wiithout lose any from your pocket.......

02:56 PM Nov 27 2009


Undecided hello folks , I support  the tradition of  be  runited once at each year , to share  , not only the food and spirits , as well the deliciouus wine , (white  zinfandell ) my favorite, althoug the fact of  continue to keep togheter the most precious valuo you can have today :  the family and being part of one family is  a blessing we can't  let  events like this pass away too , please honor your family

04:34 PM Nov 26 2009

Edith Gia

Remember to keep our traditinos is the best we can do,to keep going through the time and share them with your family is the best part.The only thing you can do, is not to eat so much and enjoin to be with your family.

04:34 PM Nov 26 2009

Edith Gia

Remember to keep our traditinos is the best we can do,to keep going through the time and share them with your family is the best part.The only thing you can do, is not to eat so much and enjoin to be with your family.

05:32 AM Nov 26 2009



why don't you just eat together. Inviting all of them to your home.

05:15 AM Nov 26 2009


Maybe people kill millions of turkeys in order to rememer the 15,000,000 Indians their ancestors had killed? I would call it Thankstealing or something like that... sorry, it's not against you, but the way people deform History. Not only the american one, I know.