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April 9, 2013

"Watch your thoughts for they become words.

Watch your words for they become actions.

Watch your actions for they become habits.

Watch your habits for they become character.

And watch your character for they become your destiny.

What we think, we become."

The iron lady, Margaret Thatcher, left this world but she left a lot of admirable things behind. She faced ups and downs of her life, including her political life, with a great deal of courage. What I truly admire about her is that she is a self-made woman! The road that she walked along was not a flat one but she climbed up the ladder of success with her unyielding courage and for that I bow down before her with admiration and respect! :)

May she rest in peace!


More entries: A Letter to Life (32), Flirting with life! (10), Self-promises, What if...? (1), Goodbye, Iron Lady!, MESSY REFLECTIONS! :))) (13), Just some thoughts... (5), Are you A REASON, A SEASON or A LIFETIME? (6), A Very Good Read. Enjoy! :) (6), Once In Your Life... (6)

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