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Mickee's blog




December 5, 2009

Past is Past

by: Mickee 

Past is past
It's already done
We can't bring it back
or undo the mistakes.

Just put in mind
that we can always make a new start.
For life is continuously playing
so play it right.

Leave the past
but never regret on it
Stop wondering
of what mistake you have done
for it's already done.
Just learn from them.

Be thankful to your mistake
For they made you more stronger
than before,
If not for them
we are not what we are right now.

Never get discouraged when things go wrong
but be inspired no matter how hard
life may bring.


I tried to write a poem when I am feeling down. This is my way of helping myself, of lifting my spirit up. I hope you will like this oneFoot in mouth

07:04 AM Dec 05 2009



SmileThanks and  take care tooSmile

07:00 AM Dec 05 2009



That's goodLaughing be safe friend.

06:56 AM Dec 05 2009



Hi Mickee yes, now i happy with you peom my friend:))

06:50 AM Dec 05 2009



Hi Daeng, thanks girl. I hope you are having a great weekend.

06:48 AM Dec 05 2009



SmileOnly those who dare to fail can ever achieveSmile

Yes i like your poem my friendSmile

November 19, 2009

Philippines is located at Southeastern Asia, between Philippines sea and south China sea, east of Vietnam. Philippines has 7,107 islands. Filipino is based on tagalog and is the official language of the Philippines. In spite of being the national language, only about 55 percent of Filipinos speak the language. Philippines has over 170 dialects. Filipino is also called to the people in the Philippines.  English is widely spoken in the Philippines, it is common to hear filipinos use a mixture of English and Filipino words or phrases known as "Taglish" ( a mixture of Tagalog and English). There are still some Filipinos speak spanish, which had at one time been an official language. A handshake, with a welcoming smile, is the stadard greeting. Close female friends may hug and kiss when they meet. If you are invited to a Filipino home for dinner bring sweets or flowers to the hosts. Philippines is composed of 83% Roman Catholic.

10:34 AM Nov 23 2009


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I dont know more thing about your country and your people but certainly your people is very good alike you!


05:22 AM Nov 23 2009



@ Daeng, thanks! yes you can come here anytime you want, just don't expect so much about my country:) it isn't that good")

@realnica, wow! I'm glad you know Manny Pacquiao, I think you're a boxing fan")

@July, yep friend. I can speak tagalog fluently, I think some of our words are similar.

10:05 PM Nov 19 2009


Umm ...I'm kind of familiar with Tagalog, can you speak Tagalog fluently Arlene?

09:25 AM Nov 19 2009



I couldn't say it better!!!

many paqueao from phillipines !!

have a wonderful thanks giving
coming up next week guys!!

08:50 AM Nov 19 2009



Smile Your country all perfect and amazing my friend. Smile I want to come here just once:))

November 9, 2009

I can't think the right topic to share:) but anyway, I'd like to let people know how much I love my parents and my whole family and how important they are. I treasure them so much and I can't imagine my life without them. They are the core of my life and without them I might as well die. I know I'm not a good daughter to them, I disobeyed their rules and sometimes I lied to them but they always forgave me and understand me. They are my strength at the same time my weakness. Strength in the sense that, they sheltered me when I got cold, they bring me food on the table and they are always there beside me when I needed them, they make me strong and guiding me to the right direction and inspired me by their words. They are my weakness in the sense that, they are the most important thing in the world I can't afford to lose. I am ready to give everything what I have and I can do, just to make them safe.

03:39 AM Nov 14 2009




02:31 AM Nov 11 2009


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Sure,we must honor our family specially our parents. In our culture parents is the most important.sometime I think they are my second god!

04:50 PM Nov 09 2009


Yes, Arlene... parents, siblings and relatives are the most important person in our life.. Once I was in a situation that I gotta choose between parents and husband, thank God I made a right decision, and family would always be there through your good times and your bad times. So put your parents and family as the first priority in your life.