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Viet Nam

November 17, 2009

    What do you think about a mature girl ( or mature woman?) i don't know which conception is used. Frown

    My mother said, girls grow up and become a mature woman when they are

independent of thinking, of finance ...and anything else. Important that they want

to have own family, that means she wants to find one man whom she can believe, share any honey and difficulty in the live.Kiss

    Common maturation is estimated by ages. In my country when the girls are

22-25 years of ages, they are mature. All of them is married in these ages. when

they are married, they must to learn to do any housework.

   That all i know about  the girls ( women) whom are called mature. So let's see me i think i am a mature girl. Money mouthBut my mother doesn't think so. Now i am

independent of thinking, of finance...of the life. I have boy friend. But i don't want

to married now. I never think about that. i don't like to do housework. I don't

know to cook. Besides i am a dreamy girl. I enjoy to read love poem, love story. I love to look sunset. I will cry like a baby when i watch a boring film.Cry  Sometime i dream about The legend world. Embarassed

    Final mama tell me, i will never become a mature girl. And She cares for me

like for a little girl. I love her and like this way she takes care of me. I don't want to become a mature girl. Money mouthSealed

More entries: my life! (2), looking for a job! (3), Happy New year! (1), 25/12/2010, my travel (1), the empty, Have a nice day!, What's men's best friend? (1), Today was very far!!!, I come back!

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03:29 AM Nov 28 2009



I fully agree what gohoos02 said

to be matured doesn t depend on any age.

it depends, how is your brain working by your own, able to make decisions for your own life. Take care about other ppl, and yourself.


Sometimes, whe have very young ppl , maybe 15, 16 years old, they are responsable for the family due to special reason.

We also have human, elder than 30 or 40 years, but not able to take over responsibilty for themselves or others.

Just when your parents have teached you to be free and indepent, you will be matured.

But, what I have learned during my stay in Vietnam, mostly families are living in an other culture. Girls have always to follow their parents advices untill they are married.  Am I wrong???

We have a saying in Germany

Everybody will handle her/his own joy

that s it, but it s a long way to act as a own person.


04:04 AM Nov 18 2009


Viet Nam

Hello! Gohoos02!

How are you today?

Thanks for sharing with me your thinking. I will be myself. I am looking a world for me here.

So I love my life. The life is very beautiful!

(I like your comment. I had reared it some times. Now I am imagining what kind of you. That’s very nice when know you. )

 Have a nice day!

01:55 AM Nov 18 2009

dream 20

dream 20
Saudi Arabia

sory.. Iwas comment here becuse Idont undersand the system...