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An Egyptian Knight




May 28, 2011

I am looking to live in your heart

I feel I am getting down in hard alley

I have a lot of ill fears

I fear from every thing including my doubts ,my worries,my love

They told me I need  your protection..

The protection I need to live in your heart

How could I tell you this  truth

My love is onesided love and I  discourage to tell ..

Love is a hard way  and I have not others.




May 17, 2011

You must know I can not live  withou you ...

You are my love..

You are my soul..

You must know...

I need your soul .. your love.....

Nothing can not take me away from you..

You must now know 

I will live and die in your hug...

You must know..

I need your warm feeling ...

You must know ..

the world fuel can not warm me except your warm hug..

You must know ..

I can not forget your kissing ..your lips..

You must know ..

I can not live without you..

You are my love..you are my soul...


April 22, 2011

chang is bieng spread in our Arab world..

The revolution  is sweeping all Arab countries..

We have suffered from injustice for decades.

Our autocratic governments treat  its citizen badly as a slave.

I need your comment to support ,, encourge us to get our freedom and restore our dignity...

I need you comment on this blog..

Waiting your comments ... friends ..from all the world...