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An Egyptian Knight




April 21, 2011

I can not look at you with gloomy eyes

I can not touch you with shaking hands...

I can not kiss  you with cold lips...

You are my true world

You are my loyal spirit

You are  true love in a false worldo

I can not dispense with you

I can not ---I can not



April 16, 2011

I believe in The proverb which says [No one was born a slave ]

I lived all my life 44 years in slavery :

I was smelling orders , eating obligations ,drinking red lines , living in a cell with handcuffed wrists and handicapped body...

One day something happened to my crippled life was : the change

The storm of Egyptian 25 january revolution swept all handcuffs ,threw me to another world I had not seen before...

I am free now in a free world....


April 13, 2011

This my story

I fell in love with her

Her age is more than 3000 years old

She has splendidly blue hair extends from Aswan To Elexandria Town.

She has 80 million sons and girls...

She has warm sun and glittering moon...

She has loving heart...

She eats our love only

She hates our enemies

I love you..I love you  for ever  my Country,My Egypt......