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My Gocool Blog

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December 15, 2008

A friend has gone to Hangzhou to seek a job for more than a week. I have heard that she has past the first test. A lucky girl. Though I am left here, my heart has gone. I can't help thinking what it is like . In fact I am not so confident of myself, I am too easy to worry about something.

    Sometimes you thought you know somebody well, but another time you thougt you've never known them. It is so strange. Sometimes you thougt you can tall about very personal topics, but others would not want to listen. They would rather you keep them to yourself.They just do not want to be too close to you. You can sit there waiting, but you can do nothing. It is so passive an attitude, and there are many reasons for it. SO there is a word called “缘” , nobody can demand things due not belong to them. We try our best, do all we can; as for those we can't help, we leave it to the “God”. A calm heart is the most important thing.


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