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October 30, 2007


"LEt, not soft slumber

close your eyes,

Before you've recollected thrice

The train of action

through the day!

Where have my feet

chose out their way?

what I have learnt,

where'er i've been,

From all i've heard,

From all i've seen?

What have i more that's

worth the knowing?

What have i done that's

worth the doing?

What have i sought that

i should shun?

What duty have

I left undone,

Or into what.......

new follies run?

These self-inquiries

are the road

That lead to virtue

and to God."

01:47 PM Mar 26 2009


Saudi Arabia

Really great,,,keep on


Good luck

October 30, 2007

" Self-reverence ,self-knowledge ,self-control.

        These three things alone lead life to sovereign power

October 30, 2007

" The cure for our ow little ills is to go out to help others who suffer from greater ones.self-pity is one of the greatest forms of selfishness and brings to us a greatly exaggereted idea of our own sufferings"