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December 18, 2008

very interesting game in : http://www.sockandawe.com/

 Play and tell me ur opinion.

October 14, 2008

the money… can buy a bed, but… not the sleep.

the money… can buy a clock, but… not time.

the money… can buy a book, but… not knowledge.

the money… can buy a position, but… not the respect.

the money… can pay a doctor, but… not health.

the money… can buy blood, but… not the life.

Neither the Luck, nor the Love are bought…

12:09 AM Oct 15 2008



it is not really a poem!

it is a proverb that we say here in Tunisia; i translate it in english!

u think i can be a poet?Smile

it's difficult 4 me

11:53 PM Oct 14 2008




 This word is Japanese English, maybe...

 I think you are poet.

October 9, 2008

Everyone knows the Salary Theorem  which establish that the engineers and the scientists can NEVER earn money as much than the business men, the owners and the commercial ones.

This theorem can finally be demonstrated by the solution of a simple mathematical equation

Our equation is based on two very known postulates:

• Postulate 1:
Knowledge is the Power
• Postulate 2:
Time is Money

 Any engineer knows that: Power = Work/Time

Knowledge = Power
And Time = Money

One thus has:
Knowledge = Work/Money

We obtain then easily:
Money = Work/Knowledge

• Thus when Knowledge tends towards zero, the Money tends towards infinite whatever the allotted value has Work , this value can be very weak.

• Contrary when Knowledge tends towards the infinite one, the Money tends then towards zero, even if the Work value is high

From where the following obvious conclusion:
The less you know, the more you earn money

 Then, those among you who had some difficulties of comprehension must be best remunerated