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English Talk

speak fluently



Hi all,

I don’t have any gammar question, but I have a doubt. In your last survey, when you said how many languages I speak fluently, the truth is that I couldn’t answer the question. How can I measure my ability of speaking when I’m studying English or any language? Through my experiences I can say that I’ve almost always failed when in my country some American or English was talking to me and I seldom understood anything. I’m very confused for it.

Thanks in advance

08:34 AM Jun 30 2002 |

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johnSuper Member!

United States

Hi Javier,

I think understand your question: How do you know if you’re fluent in a language? As we all know, fluency has many different levels. Because of this, it’s not a very good measure of skill. However, it does give people a general idea of your knowledge.

In short, if you can hold conversations in the environment you like to use another language, I think you can call yourself fluent. For example, if you can speak English very well at work, but have a hard time talking to kids, I’d say you were fluent. If you can talk with your friends easily, but can’t conduct a business meeting, you’re still fluent.

Does this make any sense? I hope so.


11:25 PM Jul 03 2002 |