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English Talk

Game "Guess describing hint"



Russian Federation

Desribe something not mentioning its name (you should tell a category, f.e. FOOD)

Example: it’s sweet, round (commonly), baked with some stuff  (FOOD)

the next user guesses: a pie ; and he/she put another task

p.s. Don’t be too much sophisticated :)

10:18 AM Jan 23 2012 |

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09:33 AM Mar 31 2012 |



United States

Catcher , excellent answer. Ok waiting for your next describing hint?

Saladeen, Think that wee almost there if not all ready : speaking in general. My thought was this is the state our world is in..

09:22 AM Apr 01 2012 |




Good one Catcher and John, caterpillar … is that caterpillar too?! ;)) 

http://dayerses.com/data_images/posts/caterpillar-d9-t/caterpillar-d9-t-07.jpg :)

Okay, what I had in my mind while putting that question, actually I was watching cat photo, and I tried my best to let her meaw, but the cat yelled out tacitly, hey I am cat photo and photo can’t meaw ;)

what makes my left eye, my right? Wink 

09:31 AM Apr 01 2012 |



United States

Your right side of your brain controls your left side, of body and all body functions, vise versa if your a lefty.( or looking in mirror by opposite appearance LOL).

Every physical thing we see is seen by what we cant see. Even visionary or physical views can be curved. . We care about our surroundings but are subject to indulge to participate in the world. In your thoughts : what dose all this mean?

09:48 AM Apr 02 2012 |



Russian Federation

It reminds me about false mirrors which I’ve seen in my childhood times  in an entertainment park (smth like a Disneyland).


A woman shoots her husband. 
Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. 
Finally, she hangs him. 
But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. 
How can this be? (what does she really do?)

12:04 PM Apr 02 2012 |




hhhhhhhh Eleniya, because she is a photographer, she shot him and hold the picture inside water after that she hang it. :D -—(I’ve no leg but I can walk? what am I? )

09:39 PM Apr 02 2012 |




I’ve no leg but I can walk? what am I?

I’m thinking, I’m imagination, I’m fantasy…. I can take a walk to those places which don’t even exist, I can walk on water, I can walk on fire, I can walk on clouds, I can walk to the remotest lands, I can walk on swamps, I can let anyone or anything walk inside my mind … and all I can do without legs! ;))


What runs and whistles but can’t talk?

08:53 AM Apr 03 2012 |




good explanation Saladeen :D , but I meant ’’ Sky’’ hehe -—my answer for you is bird

09:39 AM Apr 03 2012 |




Hey Catcher, where on earth do birds whistle?! ;)... Birds can sing you a song, birds twitter, birds do chirping, birds can even chitter, but I have doubt that birds can ever be so ludicrous to whistle ;)

Trains can whistle without being ludicrous, chuck chuck chuck, and than follows a big whistle ;))


How can birds whistle when they have no lips? Smile

12:43 PM Apr 03 2012 |



Russian Federation

Hey, Saladeen,

some birds really can whistle with their beaks.

Have you ever heard a nightingale? Its singing reminds a shrill whistling sometimes.. ;)


On a fine sunny day a ship was in the harbor. All of a sudden the ship began to sink. There was no storm and nothing wrong with the ship yet it sank right in front of the spectators eyes.

What caused the ship to sink?

06:53 AM Apr 04 2012 |