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Who explain for me: occassionally in information technology?



Viet Nam

I read on article and i don't know mean of it?

Explain for me! thank you! 

03:50 PM Sep 17 2007 |

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Mapleleaf Man


I don't know which part you can't figure out. Occasionally means now and then, not very often but every now and then. Information technology or IT if what the Internet is about, the websites, the emails, the networking all of that is grouped under IT. So if something happens 'occasionally in Information Technology' it means that something happens now and then in the world of Internet/network/business to business communication technology. Hope this helps. 

08:31 PM Sep 17 2007 |



Viet Nam

Thank you! Mapleleaf_Man, now i understand.

09:28 AM Sep 18 2007 |