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English Talk

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United States

1. Which of the following shows correct comma usage?

 A. Climbing higher I was able to see the owl's nest.

B. Climbing higher, I was able to see the owl's nest.

C. Both A & B

D. Neither A nor B

I think the answer is C


2. Which of the following shows correct comma usage?

A. The riddle, I suppose, will never be solved.

B. The riddle I suppose will never be solved.

C. The riddle, I suppose will never be solved.

D. None of the above

I think the answer is C

3. Which of the following shows correct comma usage?

A. I had to get a book make an outline and write a report.

B. I had to get a book, make an outline, and write a report.

C. I, had to, get a book, make an outline and write a report.

D. I had to, get a book, make an outline, and write a report.

I think the answer is B

 4. Which of the following shows correct comma usage?

A. I will arrive on October 16 1999 and stay for six months.

B. I will arrive on October, 16, 1999 and stay for six months.

C. I will arrive on October 16, 1999, and stay for six months.

D. None of the above 

I think the answer is D

5. Which of the following shows correct comma usage?

A. On our trip to England, we flew British Airways.

B. On our trip to England we flew British Airways.

C. Both A & B

D. Neither A nor B

I think the answer is C

I just want to make sure my answers are right because I am not 100%.

04:45 AM Dec 10 2007 |

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  1.  Both.
  2. A.
  3. B
  4. The correct answer is "I will arrive on October 16th 1999, and stay there for six months. Dates always in ordinal.
  5. 5 Both.

06:19 PM Jul 18 2008 |