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Life Talk!

War on 'terror'


United Kingdom

I mainly wanted to as if anyone can answer this question, how can you have a war on terror? Terror is an ideal, a though, an emotion. Its not physical and dosent manifest itself, so how can America blatently invade another country and claim that its war on 'terror'. America then claimed that they were provoked by the 9/11 incident. They were forien terrorists, America cant even show any proof that the terrorsists came from Iraq or Iran or any parts of the middle east. I think its just a blantently staged event, to provide an excuse for America to go after the
liquid gold – Oil.
Is it just me who sees this or is America slowly and secretly taking over the world, i mean there was a weird treaty made, joining Canada, North America and some parts of South America that most Americans dont even know about, google the 'Amero' and their is a fascinating movie, you can watch it here – http://zeitgeistmovie.com/, i would recommend watching only the last 2/3 of it, but you can watch all of it if you want.
Please I invite someone to answer my question and i would be happy to hear yor thoughts on the matter.

09:53 PM Apr 03 2008 |

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United Kingdom

Hmm I just responded to that but, no i just really wanted someone to answer this question, its just eating away at me and i cant think of any answer.

10:38 PM Apr 03 2008 |



Obviously, it's difficult to declare war on a concept or a tactic, but it's when you say "war on terror" you still know what is meant, unless you want to be completely literal. 

It's an easy way to convey the idea of war against those who commit or support terror.


I think it's just you…well, and thousands of other conspiracy theorists who watch poorly researched and shoddily produced conspiracy films like Zeitgeist, Loose Change, In Plane Sight, and crap from Alex Jones. In a lot of ways it's very cultish. 


The "Amero" is yet another one of those NEW WORLD ORDER things. Play some ominous music and mention vague rumors and suckers just buy right into the fantasy.

And it is a fantasy. "Believers" feel superior because the have "secret knowledge" when really, they're just being duped. At the very least don't send the charlatans who make those movies any money. But better yet, try not being such a sucker.

11:00 PM Apr 03 2008 |


United Kingdom

I dont feel superior to anything i feel normal, less even than some people, I actually dont belive half of the stuff in the movie, i just really like other peoples views, I have never seen any of those other movies, but im definatly not a sucker, i research and do background checks, and some things hold light, other things dont. I see through what is opinion and what is solid fact, it appears that i am not sucker, just a little bit more open minded to the world and caring of other peoples views. Lastly, im 100% not a conspiracy theorist.

11:07 PM Apr 03 2008 |



so what did your research and background checks tell you about the Amero? That seems to be a part that you did believe?  I'd be happy to check out whatever research you did and maybe you can convince me. 


You've said a couple of tiimes that the 9/11 hijackers have not been proven to have come from any middle eastern country. Where do you think they came from, or were there hijackers at all? What do you think caused the collapse of WTC buildings 1, 2 and 7?


11:18 PM Apr 03 2008 |


United Kingdom

Thats the thing i dont know what caused the World trade buildings to collapse, however i do know that it was never proven that the supposed hijackers were
Oh and heres some evidence of the Amero http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amero i would be glad to fish for more information. I am have also been trying to track down the last currency conversion of the amero, from british strerling into the amero. Howver the NACU has not e-mailed me back when i asked for a conversion rate.

11:24 PM Apr 03 2008 |



I didn't deny that the "amero" existed. You only have to fish around the article you linked to see this (emphasis is mine)


The North American currency union is a theorized economic and monetary union of the three principal countries of North America, namely Canada, the United States, and Mexico.[1] Implementation would probably involve the three countries giving up their current currency units (Canadian dollar, U.S. dollar, and Mexican peso) and adopting a new one, created specifically for this purpose. The hypothetical currency for the union is sometimes referred to as the amero.[2][1] The concept is modeled on the common European Union currency (the euro), and it is argued to be a natural extension of NAFTA and the SPP. Conspiracy theorists contend that the governments of the United States, Canada, and Mexico are already taking steps to implement such a currency.[1] No current members of any country's government have stated a desire to implement a "North American Union".[3][4]


and this:


Opposition to a North American currency union exists high up in the governments on both sides of the Canada–United States border. Herbert Grubel, the first proponent of the amero, admits that American officials show no interest in the topic. [1] He concedes that "there wouldn't be very much benefit for the United States" in an amero. [1] Likewise, the Canadian Department of Finance strongly opposes the creation of a common currency with the United States,


now, no one can stop you from believing that a secret cabal of bankers or industrialists, or Illuminati are working behind the scenes to create this North American Union, but few will take you seriously.

I also don't think you're gonna get a response back on amero exchange rates, since it doesn't exist.


02:43 AM Apr 04 2008 |



United States

Dear Lord, sharing a currency with Mexico?

03:04 PM Apr 09 2008 |



In many places we already do share a currency. It's called he US Dollar  ;)


10:25 PM Apr 09 2008 |