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Life Talk!

Russian Agression



Dear friends! The last week my country is occupied by foreign Russian Army. For info (Population of Georgia is 4,5 millions, population o Russia is 150 milions). The reason of intervence is a Georgian "aggression" to a small Breakaway region South Osetia. The Russians officials and the media saying that Georgian Army killed a 2000 peacefull citizens in capital of Osetia Tskhinvali(as its shown later it was a LIE www.humanrightswatch.org), they entered their army forces to Georgia. At the same time they were bombing by aircrafts all big cities in Georgia including capital Tbilisi. The Georgian forces left conflict region after hard bombardement by russian aircrafts. By the way russia entered the Georgia from other side not connected to a conflict region Osetia from Abkhazia. They started firing the georgian villages and bombing strategic points in Georgia and etc.. You can check any news portal in the world excluding russians (they are totally opposite). Please, tell me you opinion about all this thing happening in my country. I mean the people who is thinking and analizing. The russian FSB (former KGB) employed people can use their own russian space for making dirty comments about this situation, I`m not interesting with their opinion. Thanks!

01:37 PM Aug 20 2008 |

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Russian Federation

Saakashvili invaded to Tskhinvali and killed civilians and 10 russian peacekeepers by tanks,aviation and hard artillery peceful citizens of Saakashvili country.Do you want to see this picture on your city?Nobody wants it.He wanted new territory he `s got it

Yes,russian military moved osetian-goergian border,but it saved a lot of lifes osetian,russian and … georgian.


03:22 PM Aug 20 2008 |


Russian Federation

I am not from FSB,you don`t  wonna hear a truth.Time will show and you will understand ,that it`s impossible to solve your problem only by weapon

03:25 PM Aug 20 2008 |


Russian Federation

Saakashvili is american prostitute, he is not Georgian president!!!

08:27 PM Aug 20 2008 |



Ok! To live in pease with Russia we have to give them our land? Is it your logic? All govermant in Osetia and Abkhasia are russian federation citizens (example: former FSB head of Mordovia is minister of defence of Abkhazia), in last 16years Russia supporting separatists under the umbrella of peacekeepers. Russia is trying cut Georgia and we have to do nothing. I read lot of stories at .ru net about how the ugly georgian soldiers killed inhabitants in Osetia. THIS IS LIE!!!! TOTAL LIE!! Tere is no documetary and video about this facts, You know why? Because it is a LIE. It is a pure Russian prepaganda! But we have a LOT video and other ducuments about wahat the Russian soldiers are doing in my country now and before a 16 years. Please don tell me that You know better then me what is happening here. Day before yesterday my friend was coming from west side of Georgia to Tbilisi with his preagnant wife. The Russsian Soldiers stoped him throw out from his car with his wife, put the gun to his head and took his car. How can You comment that? Al georgian villages is burned by russian "peacekeepers" and georgian soldiers made genocide there? Please? I want chat with normal people? not with fanatics

07:14 AM Aug 21 2008 |



Who is president here is georgian people problem only, don`t tell me that Putin and Medvedev are better then Saaakashvli. Why all russian people were so quite when the Russian army was bombing Chechnya, wasn`t it a real GENOCIDE??? It`s very easy to read a history of Russia to understand waht kind of politic they are making last 300 years.

07:25 AM Aug 21 2008 |


Russian Federation

Can you send video or link with this?What other part of Georgia?Gori,Poti,Zugdidi,Senaki?

I can also call you MONKEY for example. Mr.Buch

07:26 AM Aug 21 2008 |


Russian Federation

We have a fact – TSKHINVALI.Georgian villages which were grobed by osetian and caucasus "soldiers" - it`s also  fact.

Ты помнишь месть Калоева?


































































































07:35 AM Aug 21 2008 |



TSKHINVALI is not a fact yet! There is only one interested side to grow up a national conflict there is a Russian goverment. I`m not talking about today only, this is a long story. The fact is that 70% of osetian people living outside of South Osetia district, very far from conflict region. There was not even one fact that somebody was killed or grobbed or anything else for reason that he is osetian. Who knows the nature of georgian people undestand me very well, The Georgia is multinational country from Silk Road time. In history of Georgia there is no fact of occupying a neibor or any other land. All time we are defending ourselves. We don`t need a war with osetians, abkhazians or any other people around us, because our cultures is mixed. Here is lot of a mixed familys like georgian/osetian abkhazian/georgian. We never shooting to our relatives. All conflicts between us always was by outside support, including 1920. Alwayse russian goverment was supporting the separatists to grow up a nation conflict. My grandmother is osetian, we dont` have a reason to beat eachother. The only one side who was always between georgian and osetian people was RUSSIA. Only Russia need a conflict here to destabilise regon and control it. This is imperial politic think. I`m respecting a real russian intelligent people, who can think objectively without any ambitions. Only problem I have with Russia is a govermental imperial games with us very long time. Leave us alone, live the osetians alone and abkhazians also. We are bother nations and we will find a solutions by ourselves without "help" from Russia and anything else. This is only one way tu regulate this conflict.

11:00 AM Aug 21 2008 |



i hate RUSSIA!

02:28 PM May 04 2009 |




Saakashvili- is MONSTER.  hmm, no, guys, the word "Monster" is too good for him. He is just a  coward, and bootlicker of USA. I hope, that his lifetime is coming to an end

02:52 PM May 04 2009 |