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★★★★GO OBAMA 2008!★★★★
★★★★GO OBAMA 2008!★★★★
★★★★GO OBAMA 2008!★★★★
★★★★GO OBAMA 2008!★★★★
★★★★GO OBAMA 2008!★★★★
★★★★GO OBAMA 2008!★★★★
★★★★GO OBAMA 2008!★★★★
★★★★GO OBAMA 2008!★★★★
★★★★GO OBAMA 2008!★★★★

01:31 AM Nov 05 2008 |

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vivi bulat



I said "our president" because I live in California and for me is very important Obama as president, for me and onther ones.

Thank you!

02:06 AM Nov 28 2008 |

vivi bulat



I understood..about"she". "She" will never be the president of USA. Is to agressive and to unsincere, and it is obviously seen, so no chances for "Madame". So she has to go to another places…not to the White House. McCain made a bad choise with she, but American people is tired of wars..so no chances and for McCain next time.

God be with you all!

02:54 AM Nov 28 2008 |


zeus2006Super Member!


Hi Vivi Bulat,
This is very interesting. You live in USA and you write on your profile Romania as your country. Because of that I thought you lived in Romania and I couldn’t accept your words. But, now if you live in USA ofcourse this your right to say it.
By the way, if there is an election ib Romania you will say the same word for Romanian Presedent? If you say, I will not be able to understand that situation, how that feeling? I mean to have two countries.
Be happy and healthy :)

10:17 PM Nov 29 2008 |




gratulation for Obama. I think it is excellent for America and we will  see the changes.

05:36 PM Nov 30 2008 |



Russian Federation

Poor Obama, I think. What country he have now? The country where people are losing there jobs and there own money, all are going to 1928-1930 years. Why one country must having more than all second countrys together????

10:28 AM Dec 02 2008 |

u will love me


only two questions for Americans(just ask!!!)

the first one:   ignoring his capacity,you were really not care about the color of him?
the second:   you guys are sure the sprit of “Equality,liberaty,Fraternity”are becoming in the bottom
of your hearts?

by the way,I am kinda liking Bush,he is like….emmm…... an actor… maybeSmile


01:09 PM Dec 02 2008 |


Viet Nam

i dont care about color.

i amnot American. But i care about peace, hamorny, hospitality, and friendship in the world. so i want to live in the harmony in the world. dont care about the coulor, class, and the economy


03:41 PM Dec 02 2008 |



we will wait and see. I think he will do a better job than John McCain.

05:40 AM Dec 03 2008 |



United States

the first one:   ignoring his capacity,you were really not care about the color of him?


Personally, I did not care about his color at all.  Obama helped himself by not running as a "Black" candidate, but rather as a candidate who happened to be Black.  What this means is that, while his color was meaningful in the sense that it influences his background and perspective, it was not what drove him to the Presidency.  His candidacy, in his words, was about all Americans, not especially Blacks over other people.  


the second:   you guys are sure the sprit of “Equality,liberaty,Fraternity”are becoming in the bottom
of your hearts?


Equality, Liberty, and Fraternity are from the French Revolution, not the American one ^  We are "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" although we assert that "all men are created equal" also ^


Americans do a lot of bad things, like anyone else, but we are generally quite concerned with doing good in the world.  It is part of our earliest history, to be the city on the hill, to be the example for the rest of the world to follow. 


Winston Churchill once said, "Americans can be counted on to do the right thing, after exhausting all other availabe options."

06:28 AM Dec 03 2008 |




Obama is really a victory of American,of black,of many country people.


07:08 AM Dec 03 2008 |